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24. Junio 2004, 04:06:54
just then they heard a roar in the sky. they looked up and saw a helicopter. it came down and landed close to the yellowbrick road. they rushed over to see who it was.

22. Junio 2004, 15:39:48
The green golem caught the can of beans - 'Ah - baked beans!' he said. 'Got any more? One can won't go very far, will it?'

22. Junio 2004, 15:31:32
Thenthe Jolly Green Giant appeared with his amazon wife and sprout. He had a can of beans in his hand and hurled it at the green golem chuckling wickedly.

22. Junio 2004, 11:02:53
Just then, Mark realised what the munchkins were doing with all those yellow bricks - out side each muchkin house was a barbecue, some still under construction.
'hey, Mister' shouted one ' Got any sangers or shrimps? Chuck 'em on the barbie, Mate.'
'Anyone got any tomato sauce?' called out another.

Meanwhile, on the veg patches, munchkins were busy pulling lettuces and picking things to put in a giant salad bowl.
The white rabbit arrived, almost out of breath. 'WAIT! we haven't any Mayo!' he gasped.
'we can't start without it!'
'I'll be back in a jiffy' answered one munchkin, disappearing into her kitchen. Returning, she carried a box of mayonnaise jars, all full.
'I bought these at a sale last week,' she said.

22. Junio 2004, 08:12:32
Hello Kitty 
Just then Mark & Tinman came out of the castle with the witch in hand. The witch shreiked & said,"What are they doing to my yellow brick sidewalk?" "Isn't is a Federal offense to break into someones private property?" she screamed out at the workers. "Why yes I do believe that is correct." answered the Scarecrow. "Look!" said the Lion as he pointed up into the sky. "Kill Mark" was written in the sky. "That too is a serious charge" said Mark to the witch. "Don't look at me" said the witch "I didn't do it!" "Maybe not" said the arresting officer, but that is your broom & your cat & you are an accomplice!" as the arresting officer escorted her into his police car.

20. Junio 2004, 08:13:54
One of the other munchkins put down his paper,"Look, we are strip mining here not processing bricks. The bricks go to the Emerald city Tourist center. You know as souvineers."
"What about the gravel, Boss?"
"I don't know I think we toss it over there somewhere by those apple trees."
"I thought he was in charge?" asked scarecrow pointing to what he thought was the head munchkin.
"Naw," said the one they called boss,"He's just the head of the morning shift. I'm his supervisor. Dang, oompas went on strike the other day at the factory so some of these lucky stiffs get some overtime. It wasn't a union strike so Jafar's over there clearing the air so to speak. Man, I just hope it stays non-union and none of my guys get mistaken for scabs. Stpid oompas...all over work uniforms. They think they look stupid and demeaning..."
"Anyway," he continued," We were highered by the city planning board for the Emerald City Counsal. Somethin called a freeway is ta be built after we exhaust the strip mines. Just pour in the concrete and whammo! no overpasses or mixmasters needed. We send all the Bricks to that red eyed guy who hangs out with the weasels,"

20. Junio 2004, 06:13:35
"and dont forget the candy factory we have with the oompa loompas" said a munchkin. " yeah that too" said the head munchkin.
"but, munchkins, the yellowbrick road is not made of gold. its just yellow bricks" said the lion.
"oh yeah?" said the head munchkin. he bit down on a piece of brick. "hey, hes right. we been had fellows"

20. Junio 2004, 05:34:43
All the Scarecrow wanted was to get back to Emerald city. He doesn't even remember authorizing te munskinds to tare down the yellowbrick road.

20. Junio 2004, 05:14:25
"well" thought the Munchin for a second," We need to diversify. We have interest in a Diamond mine with several Dwarfs, porkrinds, orange, and won several small buisnesses like the shoe store (run by elvish elvis impersonators who make blue suede shoes for tourists), some fur company headed by this guy Gaston jointly with Cruella DeVille, one small shipping get the idea." If it was wothwhile ta leave it we would. But we make more profit this way. Why don't you take the red brick road or the green one...or maybe the blue one...its just one road. Are you a luddite?," he asked suspiciously.

20. Junio 2004, 05:01:39
Asunto: Re:
the lion said to the munchkins "why are you tearing up the yellowbrick road? this is the only way to find our way home". "have you seen the price of gold lately? we have to get in on that" said the head munchkin, and the others laughed. " so this means" said the scarecrow " goodbye yellowbrick road??"

20. Junio 2004, 04:47:31
actually as they got closer to the yellowbrick road they discovered only 1/3 of the munchkins were working. 1/3 were eating. and 1/3 were reading various papers. It seemed they had a very strong Union...rules enforced by Tweedle-dee, Tweedle-dum, and the Jabborwocky. President Jafar presiding.

20. Junio 2004, 01:12:55
'Look out everybody! It's definitely the Spanish Inquisition! and they want to know what happened to the all the spam!' cried Mark in alarm.

19. Junio 2004, 23:55:16
Asunto: Re:
the man gave the scarecrow an oil can and oiled the tinman joints. "thanks, better than ever. " said the tinman. just then they heard a loud banging and pounding from outside. the scarecrow looked out the window. he saw munchkins tearing up the yellowbrick road with shovels and picks. " hey everybody", he daid "we got trouble".

19. Junio 2004, 22:58:29
Asunto: Re:
" spanish what?" said the man. " no i am your representative from opec. if you want oil, im your man." "well, hurry up" said the tin man "before i rust." his joints squaked louder.

19. Junio 2004, 18:52:00
Well said, Skyking - I thought fun was the main thing here! Not every one can spell and get their grammar absolutely right, and some have limited english, but as long as we can all get our points across, does it really matter that much??

19. Junio 2004, 18:49:11
'GOOD GRIEF' shouted Mark ' it's the Spanish Inquisition! ~ no- one expects the Spanish Inquisition!'

19. Junio 2004, 08:22:24
Asunto: Re:
"well, now ", said the scarecrow, "we got the witch tied up, so what do we do with her?" " i dont know, but im getting hungery." said the lion. " lion, you wouldnt" said the tinman. " by the way anybody got any oil?" he said as his elbow squeaked. just then a swarthy man in a white robe popped in the door. " did somebody say oil?" he said with a big smile.

18. Junio 2004, 14:31:57
Corectly stated. No ones being baned or hid if they mispell words. We all can pretty well guess what the word is saying. We are here to hav fun writing stories and pushing our creativity for others to enjoy.

18. Junio 2004, 06:42:53
the blue cat, named Tom, took the oppertunity to steal the witch's broom and go for a joyride, briefly chasing a small brown mouse named Jerry

18. Junio 2004, 06:39:45
Hello Kitty 
The Big Green Golem was flailing blinded by the blanket & threw his arms about landing the witch in the jaw. She went flying to the floor & Mark took advantage of the mishap by throwing himself & holding her arms down. "Oh my, my my", stammered the Tinman. "Help me out!" shouted Mark top lung. Scarecrow grabbed the witches bony arms helping Mark to keep the witch from escaping. "Let Go of Me!!" Screamed the Foul Witch. "Get them Off of Me Techie!" she Demanded. "Uh....." began Techie as he stood motionless. "Get that rope Lion so we can tie her up!", said Mark. "Let Go of Me!", Cursed the witch. "Not on your Life!" answered Mark. The Green Golem fell with the blanket still stuck on his green slimy body. "You Big Oaf!" Techie said disappointed to his Failed monster. "Let Me GO!! Demanded the Witch, "You'll Be Sorry!" she spewed. Together they tied her up with the rope until she was motionless. Techie pulled the blanket from the Golem & ran out the door with his Big Oaf trailing him. "You little Traitor!" Screamed the witch at him, "I'll get you my little Techie Poo! And You'll be Sorry!"

18. Junio 2004, 06:29:21
Asunto: haha Back to da story
THe scarecrow thought deeply.."you know the power source for the microwave would have to be enormous...or of an extreme nature..." At the same time he remembered his old cornfield and the crows. He wondered if the farmer, Rufus Jiffy Pop knew about the would certainly explain the giant butter churner...

17. Junio 2004, 02:13:48
Lion I thought you had courage? Mark asked Grabing up a blanket,Mark threw it over the Golems head, confusing it.

17. Junio 2004, 01:08:10
Hello Kitty 
"Just like the enzymes in the stomach of man can disintigrate those nano butter & jam men, this microwave produces powerfully mastered radioactivy designed to disintegrate atomic nuclei and nano robots," said the Scarecrow off the top of his head. "Wow", he added, "It sure is good to have a brain!" "Yes", agreed Mark, "And look at this!" "It's the microwave oven that is diagrammed in the blueprints. I guess Techie built it as a back up just in case he needed to destroy the nanorobots if they got out of hand." "It's rather large isn't it?" asked the Tinman. "Do you think this is the oven that those kids threw the first witch into?" quivered the lion. "Quite possible", replied Mark, as he took a look inside of it. "We got the data", said the Lion cowardly, "Can we go now?" "Please." Just as they were about to leave in walks the Green Golem. "Aaaaahh!" howled the Lion in fear as he ran & jumped into the arms of Mark. Mark put him down and Tinman drew his axe in defense, when in walked Techie & the Ugly Witch.

17. Junio 2004, 00:41:55
Hello Kitty 
"Did you hear something?" asked the witch as she held Techie back from walking. "What?" he asked. "Shhh!" she said, "listen." "What is it?" asked Techie. "Sniff, Sniff" smelled the witch, "There's a human in here!" "I'm a Human," said Techie. "Well it's not you that I smell!" exclaimed the nasty witch. "No make me mad," said the green golem. "Would you shut that thing up!" demanded the witch. "Shhh, be quiet," said Techie to his green creation. "You no like me when me mad" added the green golem. "Ah," said the witch, "Let's send him in the lab and let him have a bite to eat!" "Good idea!" agreed Techie. Off they tiptoed quietly to the lab, except for the green golem that kind of hobbled in his big oafiness.

14. Junio 2004, 19:23:44
Asunto: Re:
ooohhh...I seee,"said the scarecrow.."but what does it do to nanotechnology..?"and he thought.

14. Junio 2004, 09:15:05
The answer he so keenly awaited came.
A high-frequency electromagnetic wave, one millimeter to one meter in wavelength, intermediate between infrared and short-wave radio wavelengths.

14. Junio 2004, 05:44:52
"What's a microwave?"asked the Scarecrow while leafing through the papers later.

14. Junio 2004, 04:11:02
Hello Kitty 
"Take a look at this fellas," said Mark, as he held up the binder full of all the nanotechnology data, "Jackpot!" "Now can we get out of here?" asked the Lion timidly, as he still stood spying outside the door. "Of course," answered Mark, "Let's Get outta here!" "I'm with you!", agreed the Tinman & Scarecrow in unison. Just then they heard a door slam & voices. Quietly they all stood still listening. "Oh my," whispered the Lion sorrowfully, "That's the sister to the one you killed Mark, and she's even worse!" "Not the wicked witch of the S W?" asked Scarecrow fearfully. "I'm afraid so", said Lion tearfully. "Well don't be shedding no tears now Lion!" exclaimed the Tinman, "We've got to find a way out of here!" "He's right," agreed Mark, "We've got to keep our wits about us & find a way out of here." "Stop Rumbling Tinman," said Mark, "We've got to be quiet as mice." "I'llll..trryyy." said Tinman in a wavering voice, as he clenched his axe tightly in his hands.

14. Junio 2004, 01:50:28
The room was full of cobwebs and a table with chains on each corner all leading to a door inthe roof tat was very high up. One corner had weird machines. Mark remembered Frankensteins labratory looked like this.

13. Junio 2004, 18:43:12
Asunto: Re:
soon the lion and the rest arrived at the castle. they began to search for the data, but after a long time they still had not found it. the scarecrow was tired and leaned up against the wall. the wall slid open to reveal a hidden room. the scarecrow fell onto the floor inside. dusting himself off he said" hey everybody, look what i found"

13. Junio 2004, 14:08:00
"WHere exactly are we going?" asked Techie between gasps. He snuck a peek below to see that his golem was running after them carrying a blue cat.
"You'll know when we get there my pretty!"cackeled the lothesome crone. "you wouldn't want me to spoil ALL the fun now would you." She seemed to delight in Techie's terror and he was moderately certain that the loop-da-loops were unneccessary.

12. Junio 2004, 23:12:16
Hello Kitty 
"Will you just Get On the BROOM!!"screamed the witch. "Well, er..." said Techie, "I'm not all too certain this is going to work." "Just climb aboard!" demanded the witch "And grab hold Tight!" "Eiou," said Techie in disgust as he swung one leg over the broom & grabbed hold of the witches coarse black dress. "Away Broom!" shrieked the witch. And off they were flying to the castle. "Aahhh!! Screamed Techie. He held tight around the witch's jiggly belly, trying desperatly to keep his balance on the narrow brrom. Every now & then he would steal a glance at the height they flew, then he would close them tight & try hard not to lose his lunch. "Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh!!" Cackled the hag witch. "Oh, my", said Techie to himself fearfully.

12. Junio 2004, 22:47:15
Hello Kitty 
"Well lion", began the scarecrow, "You sure showed your courage today. Why not too many would stand up against that powerful unicorn!" "Yes", agreed Mark, "You are the King of the Jungle." "Aw, Gosh, Fellows", mumbled the lion, as he held the unicorn's horn in his paws. "It's good to be back, & thanks to you all for your support." "Yes", said the Tinman,"If I hadn't dehorned him with my axe, he'd have killed you for sure!" "Tinman!" shouted the scarecrow, "You weren't supposed to say that!" "Oh", muttered the Tinman,"sorry lion". "Oh No!" shouted Mark. "What is it?" asked the lion. "We forgot to get the Nanotechnology Data from the castle!! We have to go back!" "Go back?" asked the lion in a shaky voice. "Yes!" exclaimed Mark we have to go back & get it!"

12. Junio 2004, 07:44:47
The battle between Techie and the witch lasted for hours finally exhausted Techie Cursed was all his fault.
THe witch upon hearing this cackled and evil laugh,"You've given me an idea scientist...let's team up and take care of these upstarts." And they joined forces.
Techie was also known as Dr. X. He had built a great green creature, an imitation of man..a golem that thought it was the incredible see he'd accidently slipped a comic store owner's brain into it instead of the trekkie brain he was trying to install...This creature could only say..."No make me no like me when me mad..." Techie smiled as he summoned his pet...the Green golem was not the only trick up his sleave.

12. Junio 2004, 03:47:55
Techie replied, "you better watch it you old bat! Remember, I am THE mad scientist, who ruled all the land!". The witch replied, with a smirk, "Keyword being, RULED the land. Remember, Techboy, you are on my turf now!" She continued her rant with this,"Keep it up, and I'll have my monkies pick you up, and drop you again, until I say stop. That would be a definite hoot!" She walked off, cackling. Techie got up, dusted himself off, and ran after her. "well, what do you have planned now?" How will we ever gain control of Oz again, and rule it? To this the witch replied, "Just you wait, my pret- er, my little techie poo. This witch may be old, but I still have a few tricks up the old broomstick."

12. Junio 2004, 00:50:15
Hello Kitty 
"KLUNK!" "KLUNK!" The witch jumped in her chair. Something just crashed on top of the cottage's roof. Putting the munchkin pastry down she kicked the blue cat out of her path. "MEEOOOOOWWWW!" cried the cat as it flew & hit the table. "Get out of my way!" screamed the witch as she ran for the door & flung it open. "Crash, & Tumble like a toad, who's that tumbling on my abode?" the witch asked while straining her neck out the door. "Will you please have your stinking apes unhand me!" yelled Techie, the little mad scientist. "Why, certainly," said the witch sarcastically. "Unhand him my monkeys." With that the little mad scientist lost his footing & again began to tumble down the side of the cottage landing with a big Thud! "Oommpf!" was the noise he made when his face hit the ground. Shaking his head, the witch tried to hide her smirk as she laughed at the sight of the fall he had just taken. "I know you're laughing!" Techie yelled accusingly to her. With that the horrid witch threw her head back & that wretched laugh of hers echoed throughout the valley. "Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh!" she shrieked.

11. Junio 2004, 18:25:07
The witch, after hours of trying to decide whether to wear the silver slippers or ruby ones (she decided on ruby sorry Frank) soared quietly to the gingerbread and candy took a while to go over the molasses swamp and gumdrop mountains, but she stayed the night briefly at the licorice castle where her old beau lived. In a much angrier mood, but a little glowing she landed and began to set up her wicked trap..she too knew the secrets of butter and Jam men..but the most powerful, the Mamalade mn were also her's to command. She drank some coffee and ate a couple of munchkins for brunch with her leftenet tom (a blue cat who didn't dare repeat the nickname her beau called her "witchy-poo" like that rotten flute did) and reflected in the quiet cottage among the lollipop forest just how she would lay her trap...mmmm...munchkins were good when they were fresh..powdered..jelly filled...her favorite were glazed...

11. Junio 2004, 09:14:06
Asunto: Re:
Meanwhile the witch's sister plotted her revenge...she dressed in her most powerful candy-cane striped stockings and grabbed her best broomstick (a fireball 2004). With her favorite crooked hat askew and humming a song that went "fingernails, apple cores, lunch pails too...stir them in my witch's brew, I said ewwwwww..." She briefly teased the talking golden flute she kept in the cage by her bed..which she tortured whenever she could....SHe was known as the witch of the Southwest, and she was very,very naughty. "swat my sister like a fly ayeeeeee..."she grumbled happily. It was not that she liked her sister, but blood was blood. SHe remembered how her other sister had died. Shoved into an oven by two little brats...She was glad that she still had the cottage...she decided to set a trap for the small group.

Back to the party...
As Mark, the scarecrow, the tinman, the lion, and some stray mexican hairless (dog breed) that had joined them entered the woods there was a stirring.
Out of nowhere sprang a shape and before Mark knew what was happening their was a beautiful unicorn. Immediately the lion and the unicorn faced two palukas in a ring...a crowd of animals appeared for an audience...the tinman fetched a bucket of water for the lion's corner...the scarcrow began to rub the lion down waiting for the next bell...and the Jabborwocky was refereeing...

11. Junio 2004, 07:01:00
Hello Kitty 
"Why you're shaking lion", exclaimed Mark "And you're rumbling", he said to the tinman." "Would someone please untie me here?" asked the scarecrow impatiently. "Oh", said Mark as he walked over to the scarecrow & began to untie the ropes that bound him to the stake. "They would of toasted me if you all hadn't come along when you did." "Why, you're just about the bestest friends a scarecrow could ever want." Lion wiped a tear from his eye with the tip of his tail. "Well, no use in standing around", began Mark, "Let's blow this joint." "You're not actually going to explode the castle are you?" quivered the tinman. "No," Mark answered, "It's just an expression to leave, "Let's go." "I'm with you", blubbered the lion. "Me too", added the scarecrow. "Me three", said the tinman. "Mark smirked to himself, 'Boy what an experience this was,' he thought. Together they left the witche's castle & walked back to Oz.

11. Junio 2004, 06:49:00
Mark, then visibly shaken, thought, will I ever wake up from this twisted dream/ nightmare? It has to be a dream, it's too surreal to happen in real life. The lion asked, are you nut? You're not dreaming. I just saved all of our lives, in a rather risky way. And this is how you want to show your appreciation? I-I'm sorry, lion. I thought I was thinking that to myself. I didn't mean anything by it. Well, I could have lost my very lionhood for you, so you better show a little appreciation. Ok, said Mark. He then went over to the lion and gave him a big ol bear hug. Aw, Shucks. Said the lion. He blushed. You didn't have to do that.

11. Junio 2004, 06:26:10
Techie, in betwwen sobs said, oh alright! It's behind the giant green curtain over there. So the lion went to the curtain and yanked it back. Sure enough, there was thre nanomite. Well it was ticking down, 10, 9, 8,.... So, the only thing the lion could think to do was, hike his leg and pee on it. It was quick thinking, but it seemed to work. The nanomite was completely soaked and useless. Hooray!! shouted everyone. Lion, you saved our lives, shouted Mark. Yeah, I did, didn't I? Aw, shucks! Mark said to Techie, That's it. I'm going to make it to where you will never hurt the people of Oz, again. Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do?. I'll show you, Mark said. With that he let out a loud whistle. Just then, the flying monkies swooped down and snatched Techie up, before he even knew what was going on. I'll get you, my preppies! Soutef Techie, and off he went in the dark, gloomy sky.

11. Junio 2004, 05:45:30
Mark grabbed Techie by his lab coat and slammed him up against the wall. Where is it?, grumbled Mark. Techie screeched, I'll never tell! If you want to live another second you will spill the beans, Mark declared. You are after all, only 4 ft tall, and I can do some serious bodily injury to you. Oh, alright cried the Techie. Then he started crying and sobbing uncontrollably. Mark looked suprised and dropped Techie before he realized what he was doing. Quick, Mark said, We have less than 30 seconds to live!

11. Junio 2004, 05:27:09
Asunto: Re:
just then the crashed in and in charged the scarecrows friends. " let him go" said the lion. "stay back" said the doctor "or ill make him a pile of ashes" as he held out a match. the lion circled around him. " i mean it" said the doctor. just then the lion leaped up, biting his hand and he dropped the match on the floor. yowwww he cried. where is the nanite? said the tinman.

11. Junio 2004, 05:15:46
"What do you expect to accomplish with all of your Nanotechnolgy?", yelled the scarecrow. The old man looked stunned. Scarecrow then said,"What you didn't think I knew such big words and what they meant? Did you forget I got a brain?" The old man (we'll call him Techie), then said, "No, you big dope, but in about 2 minutes this whole place is gonna explode!" Scarecrow's wheels immediately started turning. What about Mark, the lion, and yes, even the little Munchkins? How will he ever find the nanomite in time? Is there anyone out there that can help him?

11. Junio 2004, 04:23:15
Asunto: Re:
" we have to save the scarecrow. who knows what trouble hes in" said the lion. " to the castle" said the tinman. so off they rushed to the castle. they arrived at the castle door and the tinman began chopping the door down. at last the door fell and they charged in. " look a trail of straw. he went that way." said the tinman. off they charged in the direction of the straw.

10. Junio 2004, 19:36:57
Soon an old man walked in, dressed in a lab coat. Well my monkey friends what have we here? A scarecrow mylord. spoke one monkey. Scarecrow found out he was the genious behind the Nano technology

10. Junio 2004, 08:45:23
Hello Kitty 
"Hurray!" they all shouted as they looked up to find Mark bending down to them. "Well done!" shouted the lion. "Yes," laughed Mark "She is 'well-done'!" "Where is scarecrow?" asked Mark. "He went to the castle to get the nanotechnology data," answered the lion. "The Castle?" asked Mark, "He went alone?" "Yes," shouted the lion, as the voices stilled.....In the meantime at the castle...the wretched flying monkeys did not want to give up the secret nano data that they knew could give them power to rule Oz. They began tying up scarecrow to a stake & were threatening to set him on fire. They didn't have to speak for scarecrow to know what they were planning, he had a brain now. "Oh, now," pleaded the scarecrow, "That's not a very nice thing for you monkeys to do."

10. Junio 2004, 05:14:03
Hello Kitty 
"Whoa!" "Did you all see that?" Mark asked looking down at his new friends,"That's the end of her!" Then he squinted his eyes & bent further down towards them as he thought he saw more little butter & jam men running towards his friends wearing colorful clothing. "Huh?" He questioned himself, still straining to get a better look. He heard small voices singing in unison, "Ding, dong the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch! Ding, dong the wicked witch is dead!" "Why, they're little people," began Mark, "It's the Munchkins!" Mark began to laugh hyterically. This is the funniest thing he'd thought he would ever see! The singing & dancing of the munchkins below continued. "She's gone where the goblins go! Below! Below! Below!..."

10. Junio 2004, 03:00:53
Asunto: Re:
mark smashed a fireball with the tree. it flew straight at the witch and crashed into her, lighting her afire. she flew around the sky like a comet, leaving a trail of smoke behind her. at last she crashed into the ground leaving only a pile of ashes. " ding dong the witch is dead" said the lion.

10. Junio 2004, 01:18:11
The Lion knew he was
King of the forest to return to protect his subjects. Looking down at the Group "You all just stay put. Mark said in anger
Trampling down the forest Mark took a tree by its roots and batted all the witches fireballs back towards her.
The witch was riding her broom in zig zags and was throwing several fireballs at once
The Lion, Tinman and Scarecrow tried getting closer to the battle
The Scarecrow thought they best sneak into Her castle to find the plans to her Nanotech technology.

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