Mark grabbed Techie by his lab coat and slammed him up against the wall. Where is it?, grumbled Mark. Techie screeched, I'll never tell! If you want to live another second you will spill the beans, Mark declared. You are after all, only 4 ft tall, and I can do some serious bodily injury to you. Oh, alright cried the Techie. Then he started crying and sobbing uncontrollably. Mark looked suprised and dropped Techie before he realized what he was doing. Quick, Mark said, We have less than 30 seconds to live!
(ocultar) Si pinchas con el ratón sobre el nombre de una persona y luego picas en Partidas finalizadas entonces tendrás una lista de las partidas que ha completado. Una vez hecho esto, pincha sobre el nombre de un tipo de juego para obtener un resumen de todos estas partidas de este tipo y si pinchas sobre una de ellas podrás visualizar y analizarla. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)