Zeke was led to a brightly lit room with another furry blue alien, this one wearing clothes of a sort. It was a simple grey outfit much like a suit. Its fur looked like it had some sort of palmade and it was impeccably groomed. Zeke might have thought it was a diplomat like the aliens said if it hadn't been for the fact that it reminded him of the banker who had handled his wife's will. Damn banker took even the house. Other than what he did overhear from the aliens.
The alien was introduced as Ambassador Summer. While it talked Zeke heard thoughts like tally marks peppering the conversation. THings like...oxygen breather...followed by pecentages of nitrogen and other gases...six....something percentage tall....weight....intelligence low...gullable...bad smelling...sensitive to light....etc.
"I hope you don't mind if we take a few tests so that we can bring such an imposing representative of his species before our monarch," it was saying. WHile thinking, "Diseased...addicted to nicotine...caffine...and various other substances...weaknesses obviously. Must get data to see if it has any use whatsoever. If worth enough will be shown to the head office so I can get a propper bonus for once...if not, I can always sell it to a zoo I suppose."
Zeke was suprised at the gall of the alien. He hadn't met a bigger liar than old Maynard at Tom's bar. Maynard would swear he fought in the war and aske for drinks. Maynard claimed to have been in Korea. Maynard was six when Korea was happening. THe war wound he sported was from cutting wood with a circular saw when he was drunk not from throwing an enemy grenade back. Maynard also claimed to have invented numerous things from fuel injection to bikinis. His stories were entertaining and that made him a better liar than the aliens.
Zeke struck up another smoke just to watch "Ambassador" Summer's nose twitch. "Tests?" he asked innocently, "Like paper and pen or needles and blood?"
"Needles?What is a needle?" the ambassador asked while thinking,"Primitive culture. A swab and a Quidex scan should work...it would be fun to jab a needle into him though...have not used those things in ages..."
Zeke definately did not like how things were headed. Happily he still had his bucknife. "I gotta take a leak," he replied.
Summer looked like a cat that had been petted the wrong way after being covered in dog slobber. "We have facilities down the hall," he said in an irritated way while wondering if this farce was even worth it. Zeke got the impression that summer wanted to do an autopsy old fashioned style on him while he was still breathing. Yeah, Zeke decided, he didn't really like these guys too much. They were like his wife when she used to get pissed at him. Only her weapon of choice was thrown wrenches from his own tool box. She would start out nice, which was a big hint...then start chucking crescent wrenches...the time she lodged a plumber's wrench into the wall he thought he was a goner. Man it was nice and quite until these dang aliens came in to foul things up. All he wanted was a little peace. Obviously that was too much to ask for.
(ocultar) Si de repente el sitio se muestra en un lenguaje desconocido, tan sólo pincha con el ratón sobre la bandera de tu idioma para restablecerlo. (pauloaguia) (mostrar todos los consejos)