Robin finally drove in her driveway, turned off her car and just left everything in the car except her keys. she stumbled up the stairs to her front door and let heself in. it was soo good to be home! she almost ran up to her bedroom and quickly undressed stepped into a hot shower. she was drying her hair with a towel, she thought she heard a noise but was too tired to go check it out. she crawled into her bed and under the covers and was 'out like a light in two minutes flat'. in the kitchen her back door knob was slowly turning...
(ocultar) Si deseas jugar una partida contra un adversario de nivel similar, puedes definir en tu invitación de nueva partida un rango BKR apropiado a tu interés. En tal caso, nadie con un BKR fuera de dicho rango podrá ver o aceptar la invitación. (Katechka) (mostrar todos los consejos)