Lurking in the shadows, beyond the sight of the party, stood Malatan with a wicked grin across his face. Pure vindictive hatred showed upon his vistage as he glared at Lorg. A raging hatred at this betrayal by his closest confidant. Malatan was not alone, nor was he anything but the shallowest of allies with the cannibal cheif.
At a signal from Malatan, one of the mercenaries he'd hired in this world nocked and arrow and drew back his bow. In an instant the unsuspecting Mariam was almost decapitated by the arrow that found her throat. Regretably for the cannibal chief, the arrow also took him in his eye...being slightly shorter than the woman he had held captive.
Malatan thought the loss of the chieftain to be akin to losing a nail clipping. THe chieftain had failed to dispose of Limtrot who had become a bigger threat than Malatan had expected. Malatan's hundred or so mercenaries could dispose of all those involved. Starting with that traitor Lorg....
Little did any suspect that Malatan was more than he appeared. On Limtrot's world he was but a bandit, on this one he was a powerful Lord, and on yet another one...he ruled with an iron fist.
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