I told this board right off the bat that I was a computer dummie. And then I see replies like, Unless you have Windows XP on all PCs and I know that is not so by other replies. And then I see things like, NetBSD, NTFS, FAT or FAT32, PARTITION MAGIC, Unix, SuSE and Ubuntu, graphical interface, sparse and cryptic, GUI, ifconfig em0, and the last 1 shell users. Which I have no way of knowing what people are talking about.
When I did any classes in school, all the books would do is talk u step by step. And when I say school I mean Community College. When I say computer dumb I'm talking like a kid in grade school, don't know schmit.
All I was trying to do here was see if anyone could help me via PM or even on the phone (I have cell phone and today is free time), talk me throu how to set up a network. Again TYVM for the time and any help.
Now the guards on this board say, that it's time I stay in my corner and don't come back out. Cause u have talked to much. And u don't know what u are doing out on a computer board talking. lol
[Hope now people may know what I was trying to do. And thxs to my gr8888t daughter AMANDA for checking everything over for me]
Again SORRY if I did not make myself clear from the start. POOF and still going.
(ocultar) ¡Juega una partida en tiempo real contra un adversario conectado! Tan sólo debeís seleccionar por defecto la acción "Mover y permanecer aquí" y ¡recargar la página con la tecla F5! (TeamBundy) (mostrar todos los consejos)