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But give me a minute to wipe the egg off my face, it looks like my video card is already set up to handle multiple displays. I have the "Asylum" NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Ultra [Display adapter].
I reread the paperwork and it is made for this. Now I'm just wondering after I get another monitor if all I have to do is plug it in or reinstall the drivers etc?
Well I did it, still trying to get everything right having to play with resolution, size etc. It's pretty cool though being able to have 2 browsers working on screen at once. Going to experiment with some video shortly. You were right, all the set up is done through the XP's display. Everything is pretty automatic.
(ocultar) ¡Juega una partida en tiempo real contra un adversario conectado! Tan sólo debeís seleccionar por defecto la acción "Mover y permanecer aquí" y ¡recargar la página con la tecla F5! (TeamBundy) (mostrar todos los consejos)