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I finally ditched webtv and bought a laptop. So, you will probably have to explain like you are talking to a child! lol
I come online through Juno. It has a pop up blocker, and seems to work well, as I don't get many pop ups at all. (Though, most of my online time is really spent here at BK anyways) However, I keep getting these pop ups that dont look like typical ads. They look like messages you get from your computer. (Typical dialog boxes telling you stuff that is going on, like when downloading.. with an OK button, and the typical windows type stuff, the X , minimize and maximize buttons
They are telling me such as "55 critical errors have been found, go to this website, blah blah blah.. " and telling me to go places like,, Microsoft sites like I would think it would). The first time I started getting these, I did visit the site. It wanted me to basically download something that would find things, and I could pay for it to fix them. I also got a pop up saying something about the "certificate" and the site could not be confirmed. So, I did nothing.
A friend said it sounded like spyware, so I downloaded a spy bot ran it and it found a bunch of stuff, and I got rid of it. The pop ups persisted.
Later, I got looking around, and found an Event Log (Start/Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Event Log)... Lo and behold, EVERY one of these pop ups were logged in there, and called "application pop ups". If I clicked on each individual event, it showed me an exact copy of the messages in the various pop ups.
I then downloaded a virus scan through Microsoft, and it found nothing.
Please, someone must have some advice! These popups are making me crazy. They are coming 3 or 4 per minute sometimes!
ßăķëď Äłáşķǻñ: Thanks! That was it. They were called Windows Messenger. Just like on that site. (Mine were different "offers" though. All centered around "fixing" my computer. So, I shut them off, and haven't been bothered, since. Thanks!
rod03801: The messenger service should be disabled by default if you have all the latest updates to Windows XP. If you don't have the updates, you should get them because they will make your computer less insecure. Run the "Windows Update" program, which should be near the top of the "All Programs" menu on the start menu. It may take a long time to download all the updates, and you may have to run it multiple times.
kaluza: I have Windows 2000. As I type this message right now, the only upgrade available is installing.
I have noticed that every time I power off, and boot back up, that that messenger service is turned back on, and those pop up messages start coming fast & furious again. So I seem to have to shut it back off each time I come online. Hopefully after this upgrade is installed this will stop??
rod03801: My kids got something like this on their computer. I tried three different anti-spyware tools...none of them could remove it. One did identify it. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the spyware. When I did a internet search, I was told that It could not be removed. I ended up using the ultimate spyware removal tool: FDISK!
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