General talk about movies, TV, radio, and other entertainment discussion.
Discussing favorite movies is a great topic but keep in mind some folks haven't seen the movie yet we may be discussing so don't give the endings away!
I do enjoy his movies, and want to see The Village when it comes out. Did you see the documentary that was done on him on the Sci-Fi channel? Sci-fi usually isn't my cup of tea, but when I saw the ads for this, I was curious. So, I watched it, and it was very interesting.
(ocultar) Si pinchas con el ratón sobre el nombre de una persona y luego picas en Partidas finalizadas entonces tendrás una lista de las partidas que ha completado. Una vez hecho esto, pincha sobre el nombre de un tipo de juego para obtener un resumen de todos estas partidas de este tipo y si pinchas sobre una de ellas podrás visualizar y analizarla. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)