Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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Rose: LOL! Good job they are not meat eaters! I userally just put salt down, that shivals them up and they keep away from it but they beat me to it and me lettuce had only been out one day! Greedy things!
plaintiger: that has grown to 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide and I have to battle to get in there and when I do it says "Feed Me" and won,t let me out untill I agree!
I have had spider plants for years and grown others off them, they are supposed to have a calming influence, don,t think it ever worked on me though lol!
Foxy Lady: If you do make sure they pour the growing medium into the base in a well ventrulated area, preferbly outside, it is very dusty as you pour it out.
plaintiger: Yes, I picked one up today. Mine is like a propergator but its called a Hydro Greenhouse. You can grow anything in it and use it inside and out. Whatever you grow is fed automatically by a water bottle with nutrients in. It says in me book of destructions there is no fear of soil born diseases, insects or weeds as it uses no soil.
I never heard of it before today, but I was looking round the toy dept at Toyrus, saw it and picked it up.
I got it set up already with plant seeds.
plaintiger: No when I refer to sprouts I expect everybody to be a mind reader lol! Mine are Brussels, Brussels is the only way to go! Gives me Brussels with butter and pork and stuffing and and roast potatoes and and onions and and I,m getting carried away!
Anyone know where I can put me sprouts? LOL!
I started me sprouts off in a propergator and they are about a couple o inches high, I canna put em outside yet as the weather is not yet suitable, I have quite a few of em and aprat from transfering em to a made up compost box and keeping em in the kitchen I donno what to do. It is the first time I have tried growing sprouts. Any one got any ideas? Thanks very much!