Asunto: for my garden buds to fight off the winter blahs
Forcing branches for indoor bloom is one of the great pleasures of late winter, and it's a snap to do. Branches that force best include the Forsythia & Redbud, as well as Pussy Willow, Quince, Cherry, Apple(ornamental crabapples work well), and Witchhazel.
The easiest way to force blooms is to wait until you notice the buds starting to swell. Then just cut the branches, bring them indoors, put them in water, and wait a few days for them to work their magic.
If you want to introduce the season even sooner, you can cut the branches after the shrub has been dormant at least six weeks. Completely submerge the cuttings in a tub of cold water for several hours. Re-cut the ends, vertically slicing the lower inch or 2 of each branch in half so it can better take up water. Put the branches in a large vase of water in a cool spot near a window, and in two or three weeks, you'll have beautiful blooms.
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its not to everyones taste,I myself hate cutting growing things.