If i can suggest one thing Fencer don't implement those variants... One has the problem of making impossible the task of one coulor the other if one player wants to stuck the game, the game could last forever, and the win will become for tireness not for strategy...
I know i'm not the majority of the players and I'm just a pawn but please reconsider, now you have one game that nobody (in his sense) wants to play don't transform in 2 variants that no one wants to play it ...
just my 2 cents of course...
(ocultar) Evita perder partidas por tiempo. Los miembros de pago pueden activar la opción "Festivos Automáticos" en su página de Opciones que de modo automático permite establecer como festivos aquellos días en los que se perdiera una partida por tiempo. (pauloaguia) (mostrar todos los consejos)