Toz se jeste, pane kolego, prohrabte tady dlenctim, aspon k mistu, kde stoji:
An example of this variant is described by R. C. Bell, in Board and Table Games from Many Civilizations. Pieces may only be moved directly forward, diagonally forward, or sideways. A piece may not move onto a point it has occupied before. Bell also suggests that a piece reaching the opponent's back row may not move except to make a capture (sideways, presumably). This last rule seems unnecessary, except that it shortens the game slightly. Play continues either until one player has lost all his pieces, or until he cannot make a move. That player loses the game.
(ocultar) Si estás a la espera de tu turno para mover, pincha con el ratón sobre "cambiar" situado en la página principal junto a "Actualizar", entones establece el periodo de actualización de la página a 30 segundos para que se visualice con mayor rapidez el momento de tu posibilidad de jugar. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)