Dark Prince: i agree with mostly everything you stated. the only thing is the moves without a capture especially in the beginning of the game. this is a tricky situation. Solid defense is not attacking 1st or never attacking PERIOD! a threshold count should not be implemented since it is a defensive strategy in the volcano versions. Ialwayswinsam and I used to have on a normal basis 400 move games where no capture occurred for the 1st 200 moves. this was the way the small volcano version have to be played at a high level.
(ocultar) Si estás a la espera de tu turno para mover, pincha con el ratón sobre "cambiar" situado en la página principal junto a "Actualizar", entones establece el periodo de actualización de la página a 30 segundos para que se visualice con mayor rapidez el momento de tu posibilidad de jugar. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)