Lista de boletines
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I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this, but we probably need to have an "x" added to the notation so that it can be easier to track the move count. Currently we cannot differentiate between a regular and capture moves.
Nothingness: No doubt, that would require a programming change. Altering the notation for that purpose is unnecessary since either player can go to any specific move to look at the capture lists of both players to verify any change to those lists. Additionally, any player has the option of utilizing the "add note" feature to record the most recent move # in which a capture is made and thereafter edit that note when another capture is made.
(ocultar) Si deseas ahorrar ancho de banda, puedes reducir la cantidad de información a mostrar en tus páginas en tu página de Opciones. Prueba a cambiar el número de partidas en la página principal y el número de mensajes por página. (pauloaguia) (mostrar todos los consejos)