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Modificado por basat. (9. Septiembre 2006, 08:35:13)
Spanish checkers are played in Spain, in Portugal, in some countries of South America and Caribbean islands, and in Northern Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia).
They are the same as Portuguese checkers now.
Like Russian and Brazilian checkers, kings are flying kings.
Rules are similar to Brazilian checkers, but the men cannot capture backward, the board is inverted, and a priority capture rule exists.
The rules
This game is played on a 8x8 board (64 squares).
Double corner is on the left of each player.
Moves of the men
The men can move on each square forward left and forward right if it is empty. When they arrive on the last line, and stop on it, they become kings.
Move of the kings
The kings can move on all the squares which are on the 2 diagonals that cross where they are, if there is no piece between them and the arrival square.
If you have the choice between several captures, you must choose the one that gives you the maximum of opponent's pieces ; if 2 captures give the same maximum number of pieces, you must capture as much kings as possible (that is the quality rule).
You can only stop in a square where there is nothing more to capture.
Capture by the men
The men can capture only forward, by jumping over the opponent's pieces (men or kings), if the piece is near it, and the following square is empty. If they can jump again from the arrival square, they must continue the capture. You can verify that 1 man can jump over 3 opponent's pieces, maximum.
Capture by a king
The king can capture a piece if it is on the same diagonal than it, if there are only empty squares between them, and if the following square is empty. It can stop on whatever square on the same line. If a new capture is possible from one of these squares, it must continue the capture. The king can capture forward and backward.
Who wins, who loses ?
The loser is the one who cannot move any more (no piece or all pieces blocked). The winner is his opponent, of course.
There may be draw if :
-opponents agree for a draw
- the same position is encountered 3 times
- they are 3 kings against 1 king . In this case, the player who has the 3 kings must win within 16 moves.
Some history
The Spanish checkers are the older checkers game described in a book, and the first checkers played with rules close from these we know nowadays. It must be considered as original checkers.
This first book was written by Anton de Torquemada, in 1547.
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