Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
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I'd like to join in, but I'm still on page two of "Beginning Checkers". Solving the problems sounds like a good idea, yet for me every game presents multiple problems. Oh, I feel sorry for you guys. Seems you have to make up difficult problems for a challenge. lol
As the Chief can attest to this statement, the KM would let you in regardless of your skill level.
Trust me when I say this: The KM is one of the best group of people there is. I've been a member with them for over a year and I doubt I could find another group that can match 'em in encouragement and support.
(ocultar) Si estás a la espera de tu turno para mover, pincha con el ratón sobre "cambiar" situado en la página principal junto a "Actualizar", entones establece el periodo de actualización de la página a 30 segundos para que se visualice con mayor rapidez el momento de tu posibilidad de jugar. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)