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 Checkers variants (8x8)

Checkers variants (8x8).

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6. Syyskuu 2006, 23:33:27
mp friesland 
Otsikko: Re: Checker tournament - all variants -- 1900+ rating required.

6. Syyskuu 2006, 23:31:04
mp friesland 
Otsikko: Checker tournament - all variants -- 1900+ rating required.
Hello checker friends, please join in me in an “all checker” tournament.
, and check in …
This Tournament was created only 2 days ago, and already several strong players have signed up. If you like playing checkers , any variant, and your rating is at least 1900, "Check it out" might be for you ! Come, and join me ..

4. Heinäkuu 2006, 20:22:45
Otsikko: Re: Parachute checkers question
Andre Faria: Thanks!

4. Heinäkuu 2006, 10:26:28
Andre Faria 
Otsikko: Re: Parachute checkers question
SueQ: yes. And that´s not a king, but a queen. It means the opponent queen will have to get your 2 queens...

4. Heinäkuu 2006, 02:40:49
Otsikko: Parachute checkers question

In parachute checkers, does a king have to get all pieces out even if it means turning the corner?   Check out this game for clarification.  If I move my black king to D6, does white have to turn and get my E3 king out as well...or can he choose not to. 

Thanks for the help

28. Kesäkuu 2006, 23:29:28
thanks people....

please no argueing here if you dont mind...

23. Kesäkuu 2006, 10:57:41
Otsikko: Re: Tournament
Pedro Martínez:

20. Kesäkuu 2006, 17:13:49
Pedro Martínez 
Otsikko: Re: Tournament

20. Kesäkuu 2006, 16:15:18
Otsikko: Re: Tournament
Pedro Martínez:LOL:) That statement shows your real level of intellence LOL:)

19. Kesäkuu 2006, 11:35:52
Gabriel Almeida 
Otsikko: Re: Tournament
Pedro Martínez: Eheheh... ;)

19. Kesäkuu 2006, 02:51:26
Pedro Martínez 
Otsikko: Re: Tournament
CRY ME A RIVER: Poor you! You speak only English and almost not even that...

4. Kesäkuu 2006, 00:10:32
Otsikko: Re: Tournament
Gabriel Almeida: OK i went into your game link, now all i can get is all different langages.I speak only English.I am not empressed with this.I would like to no how you did this.

3. Kesäkuu 2006, 21:27:00
Gabriel Almeida 
Otsikko: Tournament
Muokannut Gabriel Almeida (4. Kesäkuu 2006, 00:13:19)

19. Huhtikuu 2006, 17:22:32
Andre Faria 
Otsikko: Re:
francescolr: I did that. Thanks :)

19. Huhtikuu 2006, 16:32:24
Good Luck :)FLR 
Otsikko: Re:
Andre Faria: it happens to me tell Fencer he will declare draw :)

19. Huhtikuu 2006, 11:27:14
Andre Faria 

This game is tied, but this guy does not accept my draw offers. And he cannot even speak english. Before I lose my temper and start insulting him, can anybody call this guy to reason?

6. Maaliskuu 2006, 03:39:09
Otsikko: Join In!!

26. Helmikuu 2006, 22:15:43
Nightstorm: Fencer? *busy*? never!

maybe i'll send him a gentle reminder. he probably does want the rules to reflect the way the games work.

26. Helmikuu 2006, 07:48:23
Otsikko: Re:
plaintiger: The new rules were posted on the boards before they were changed into these combined boards. Maybe he got busy and forgot to change the rules pages.

26. Helmikuu 2006, 07:41:35
Otsikko: Re:
Nightstorm: he changed the way the games are played without updating the rules??? that's kinda messed up...

26. Helmikuu 2006, 03:56:37
Otsikko: Re:
plaintiger: Fencer changed the rules for czech and all varients with the queen last year.
forcing all possible jumps to be made. He just hasnt went in and changed the rules on the individual games yet.

25. Helmikuu 2006, 11:17:39
Otsikko: Re:
Andre Faria: well if that's the case, then it's the rules for Czech checkers that haven't been updated, because it's the rules for Czech checkers that don't describe the way one-way checkers works.

i don't know if the rules for Czech checkers describe the way Czech checkers works because i've never played that game. but what's wrong in the rules for one-way checkers is the statement that "the other rules are the same as for Czech Checkers." they're not.

23. Helmikuu 2006, 18:58:38
Andre Faria 
Otsikko: Re:
plaintiger: Those were the older ruls, I think. When the czech checkers rules changed, all othr variants changed as well... Maybe rules of one way checkers haven´t been updated...

23. Helmikuu 2006, 10:30:55
1. the rules for One-Way Checkers say that, except for the starting position and the fact that all pawns move in the same direction and both players see the board from the same side, the rules are the same as those for Czech Checkers.

2. the rules for Czech Checkers say, "a queen does not have to land directly behind the captured piece, it can choose (when jumping) any other empty square in the line but does not have to jump over two or more pieces at once."

3. in a game of One-Way Checkers i'm playing (game #1421492), i'm finding my Queens obligated to jump every piece they can.

is this a bug in the game or in the documentation?

12. Tammikuu 2006, 03:50:29
Otsikko: Re:
Matarilevich: Gothic Checkers is not a new game, according to this article it has been around since about 1650. It also goes on to say that Turkish checkers is an early varient of Gothic checkers and that it's possible the early version of Turkish checkers had the same rule as Gothic checkers about the king only being able to move one square. Later changed to the queen with the addition of long range moves.

According to Ralf Gering, Gothic Checkers is actually known as "Altdeutsche Dame" (or in Old German:"Damm-Spel"). He also says: The old books don't say how far the kings are permitted to move. A new book by R. F. Müller which is quite reliable as judged by the other rules it gives (of draughts variants and Salta) says that that the king may only move one square (so you would be correct!). Another book which is even newer claims the same but the author used obviously Müller's book as his source. The strange thing is that Altdeutsche Dame obviously influenced Turkish Draughts (which was invented shortly after the Turks tried to conquer the capital of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, Vienna, in 1683) which has long-ranging kings. Did the Turks invent the long range independently? The France introduced the long-ranging king's move in about 1650 and the new rule rapidly spread to Germany. Perhaps the early variant of Altdeutsche Dame had indeed the short move (as explained by you, i.e. the move of the modern Chess King), but later adopted the long range (i.e. the move of the modern Chess Queen). Another strange thing is that the old game books state that you must choose the move which captures most enemy pieces. This is a rather modern rule usually associated with the long-range. A mixture of "old" and "new" rules (if the short move is correct) would mean that Altdeutsche Dame was invented around 1650, probably in what is now Austria near the Turkish border. It appears that the rules are not completely known from the old sources as a German draughts expert I met 15 years ago claimed that the rules are "RE-constructed.

12. Tammikuu 2006, 01:09:54
Otsikko: Re:
Spanish and Portuguese Checkers are the same game, because Spanish decided a long time ago to change to the Portuguese Rules.

I used to play a similar to Gothic version in Brainking with same rules but on a real Board and with just the 12 normal pieces.

11. Tammikuu 2006, 23:09:00
Otsikko: Re:
Ferjo: Before of BrainKing, i just played to Spanish Checkers. I didn´t know the Portuguese checkers.

I think all rules about checkers and variants must be explained in a better way in BrainKing now and in the future too because it can be complicated with all possible variants (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, American, Czech, Turkish, Gothic,...)

Is the variant Gothic an invention of BrainKing?

11. Tammikuu 2006, 11:25:33
Otsikko: Re:
"Czech 8x8 checkers are mainly played in Czech Republic and in Slovac Republic.
The rules are very similar to Spanish checkers, but priority for captures are lightly different : the king must always take first, even if a man can capture more men than it."

Depending of what you conside similarity, if you say its the variant more similar to the Spanish one (BTW Spanish Checkers years ago change their rules to be equal to Portuguese ones, but the international name remains Spanish... go figures)
here at BK, ok I agree. But in fact theres a lot of diferences between the 2 variants. I'm going to try to name all:
- The Board is a mirror
- Draws are automatic in same special situations. It means you have a number of limited moves to try to win the game after a special situation. If not the game is declared a draw. Doesn't need the agreement of both players.
- You jump always the maximum of pieces
- Jump Quality rule in the same number of pieces.

Last Note: The flying Kings are called Queens! :-)

11. Tammikuu 2006, 02:42:06
Official Rules of Turkish Checkers

Moving: A single man may move one square forward on the column, or sideward on the row..
A king moves any distance on an open line in 4 directions (back, forward, left or right).

Capturing: A single man captures in any of the same 3 directions.
A king captures by jumping to a vacant square beyond an adverse piece, any distance away.
A single man or a king must continue jumping as long as possible.
With choice of captures, the player must take the maximum number of adverse pieces.
Within a multicapture turning 180 degrees between two captures is illegal.
Each captured piece is removed from the board before the captor continues jumping; its removal may therefore open up additional captures previously impossible.

Piece Promotion: A piece reaching the far row of the board gets promoted to a king (=dam in Turkish), and the move terminates.

Object: The object is to capture all your opponent's pieces, or to reduce your opponent to not being able to make any move with the pieces he has remaining on the board.

Czech 8x8 checkers are mainly played in Czech Republic and in Slovac Republic.

The rules are very similar to Spanish checkers, but priority for captures are lightly different : the king must always take first, even if a man can capture more men than it.

The rules

This game is played on a 8x8 board (64 squares), with 8 men for each player.

Double corner is on the right of each player.

Moves of the men

The men can move on each square forward left and forward right if it is empty. When they arrive on the last line, and stop on it, they become kings.

Move of the kings

The kings can move on all the squares which are on the 2 diagonals that cross where they are, if there is no piece between them and the arrival square.


Captures are compulsory. If you have choice between capturing with a king and capturing with a man, you must capture with the king. When you respect this rule, you can choose the way of capture you want (it is not necessary to capture the most pieces), but you cannot stop capturing if there is any other piece to capture.

Capture by the men

The men can capture forward only, by jumping over 1 opponent piece (man or king), if the piece is near it, and the following square is empty. If they can jump again from the arrival square, they must continue the capture.

Capture by a king

The king can capture a piece if it is on the same diagonal than it, if there are only empty squares between them, and if the following square is empty. You stop where you want on the empty following squares. If a new capture is possible from one of these squares, it must continue the capture.

Who wins, who loses ?

The loser is the one who cannot move any more (no piece or all pieces blocked). The winner is his opponent, of course.

There may be draw if :

- opponents agree for a draw

10. Tammikuu 2006, 13:51:54
Otsikko: Re:
"With choice of captures, the player must take the maximum number of adverse pieces."
This is not correct here! Its correct on the official game.
"With choice of captures, the player must take the jump with the Queen."
That is the correct sentence for the all BK checkers variants that has Queens in it, including Turkish.

Nightstorm I believe the rules were changed because the rules were wrong here not because of the draws, that was a consequence of the rules being wrong. With the change of the rules the Czeck Checkers you play here has the same rules of the official game.
Unfortunately or fortunately, depending of the perspective its not the case of the Turkish variant. I'm quite satisfy with the actual rules, but I can also play with the official ones too!

By the way I vote for the Italian version too! And of course Portuguese the most ancient Checkers variation in the world, that remains unexchange. Please... :-D

10. Tammikuu 2006, 05:34:15
The rules were changed to force multiple jumps in all the variants were you can get a queen. Way to many draws were happining when one side got a center diagonal and could just go back and forth without ever needing to jump anything.

9. Tammikuu 2006, 08:49:47
Good Luck :)FLR 
Otsikko: those are official rules :)
Maximum captures are compulsory. That means that if you can capture 2 pieces with a piece (man or king), and 3 with another one, you must choose the 3 pieces capture.

9. Tammikuu 2006, 08:48:09
Good Luck :)FLR 
Otsikko: help :)
i believe that rule it is correct :) in italian checkers (hopefully we will have that too ) there is that rule too :)

9. Tammikuu 2006, 02:20:53
And i would like to know if this sentence is a correct or incorrect rule and if is used or not in BrainKing :
"With choice of captures, the player must take the maximum number of adverse pieces."
In accordance of the rules of BrainKing I think this rule is incorrect but it seems in Turkish Checkers could be correct. Could someone remember a game with this situation and say us the true of this business?

9. Tammikuu 2006, 02:10:04
Otsikko: Re: About Turkish Checkers
BerniceC: Thanks Bernice. I want to propose including this sentence in the rules of Turkish Checkers :
"Within a multicapture turning 180 degrees between two captures is illegal."

8. Tammikuu 2006, 14:58:35
Otsikko: About Turkish Checkers
Muokannut Kili (8. Tammikuu 2006, 14:59:33)
Are they an oficial rules of this game?
Can you give me a link about this?
I have posted some messages about turkish checkers in the board of checkers
,maybe you can say me your opinion. Thanks.

23. Lokakuu 2005, 01:30:08
Sounds silly. 7x7 Checkers should be added, though.

22. Lokakuu 2005, 08:16:56
Otsikko: A checker variant that should be added here
Another good idea that might be considered is CHESKERS, which is a checker variant that combines some elements of chess. Here is a brief description of the rules:

A standard checker set is used, and the rear row of men (on each side) is replaced by (from left to right, in each player's view) a chess Bishop, a checker King, a checker King, and a "Camel" (represented by a chess Knight) which moves three spaces horizontally or vertically, followed by one space at a right angle, for example from e1 to f4. Opposing Bishops are at corners of the board's longest diagonal.

Jumping is compulsory, as in checkers, but capturing (by displacement, as in chess) with the Bishop or Camel is optional. Given a choice of jumping or making a capture, one must by made. Men reaching the last rank can promote to King, Bishop, or Camel. The object of the game is to capture the opponent's Kings

10. Lokakuu 2005, 13:48:16
Otsikko: Re: One-way Checkers
bumble: I didn't think it said that in the rules, but I found it now, right at the bottom of the basic checkers rules, not where I'd expect it to be, but never mind, I found it now -_-;

10. Lokakuu 2005, 13:47:44
Yes, its in the checkers rules;

If the player has more possibilities to capture opponent's pieces, he/she can select any of them. However, when a queen (in variants with long jumps) can make a jump, the player cannot select a pawn to jump with.

10. Lokakuu 2005, 13:29:32
Otsikko: Re: One-way Checkers
M132T003C: I'm only guessing as I'm no checkers player, but doesn't the Queen have to jump in preference to a pawn?

10. Lokakuu 2005, 13:23:13
Otsikko: One-way Checkers

Why can't I jump from e3 to c5, the two possible jumps are both single jumps only, so it should allow either, is this a bug or am I misunderstanding the rules?

21. Elokuu 2005, 18:45:27
ustica tnp 
Muokannut ustica tnp (21. Elokuu 2005, 20:11:08)
game open for ustica.
note! must a pay member to play.
and try if you can win.

6. Elokuu 2005, 10:04:02
Otsikko: Re: Parachute Checkers Question
BIG BAD WOLF: Of course the system will detect a possible move with the parachute, so the won't end and you'll make the capture.

6. Elokuu 2005, 06:37:08
Otsikko: Re: Parachute Checkers Question
BIG BAD WOLF: Sorry BBW.....never played parachute checkers....I hope you get an answer :(

6. Elokuu 2005, 04:42:20
Otsikko: Parachute Checkers Question
OK - suppose each player has 1 queen left, and an unmovable parachute man.

Lets say I can set it up to "sacrifice" my queen and have it setup that the oppenets queen will land where my Parachute guy can capture it.

Will the game end with my last queen being taken, or will the computer reconize that I can still make another move with the Parachute guy?

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 17:48:45

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 17:42:38

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 13:42:34
Otsikko: Re: Re: Is there a game where this happened ?
Pafl: yeah, probably one of Numfire against me somewhere like that LOL

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 09:29:29
Otsikko: Thanks
BerniceC: Thanks for all.

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