this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
Otsikko: Re:So....point to this story is that even tho a dog is purebred,AKC still does not mean you are getting good quality
anastasia: Wow, it's a shame that your average AKC dog-owner doesn't seem to know all the facts. My neighbors (same ones) let their $700(?) GS roam alone all the time and I always wondered why they would risk him being injured by a wild animal, attacked by a bear, even shot (game lands abound here), maybe they already know. And ROFLMBO on the "sterilizing a rock" - silly vet And GO Niki - they both seem like such incredible dogs (but, honestly, I think all God's creatures are pretty darn incredible, except humans most of the time, they puzzle me)
(piilota) Haluatko nopean pelin, joka päättyy varmasti kahdessa tunnissa? Luo haluamasi pelityypin peli ja aseta peliajaksi 0 päivää / 1 tunti. (TeamBundy) (näytä kaikki vinkit)