Serendipity: Indeed, the colours are: white, gray, brown, blue, black, red, yellow and pink. My preference would be to replace gray with green (or perhaps orange), as I sometimes find it hard to distinguish between gray and white. But who knows, perhaps one day we'll see 'Giant Logic' with green, light-blue, orange, purple, beige, maroon and violet as additionally colours.
Having said that, perhaps we could have alternative game pieces for Logic; for instance balls with numbers or letters (in contrasting colours, black letters on white balls for instance). We have game piece options for other games as well.
(piilota) Haluatko nopean pelin, joka päättyy varmasti kahdessa tunnissa? Luo haluamasi pelityypin peli ja aseta peliajaksi 0 päivää / 1 tunti. (TeamBundy) (näytä kaikki vinkit)