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 BrainKing design

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Wikipedia - for general information on what CSS is, why it is useful, and a short introduction on how to use it.
W3Schools - for a tutorial and a reference on CSS.
W3C - for detailed and advanced information for those who are interested.
CSS Zen Garden - for some trickery and demonstration of what is possible with CSS

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7. Marraskuu 2007, 19:54:03
Otsikko: Re:
mctrivia: Thanks, keep up the good work too!

7. Marraskuu 2007, 19:52:42
Otsikko: Re:
Czuch: yes if fencer gives the option and it is not a css change but an actual cut the data out change it will speed things up.

Hopefully fencer will make a xml version of the site then I can write a java program to let you play games with no delay at all.

7. Marraskuu 2007, 19:45:09
Yeah, my pages are now sometimes loading up to 12 seconds plus, but it doesnt seem to happen on every page, I thought having them hidden would help speed up the load time :(

I guess if Fencer gives us this option it will make a difference?

7. Marraskuu 2007, 19:43:54
Ok I for those that don't know my css builder is at: http://mctrivia.com/bkcssmaker

For those reading the feature request board I have removed the switcher section as requested and will add the ability to remove left hand colums later today.

13. Kesäkuu 2007, 21:20:23
Otsikko: Re:
coan.net: Since this request got buried quickly, I will repeat it.

I request that the table in the Dice Poker & Triple Dice Poker, which show the results of the 3rd roll be given a name - so I can place the results on the last roll near the top of the page like I do for the first 2 dice rolls.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 20:05:53
Otsikko: Re: coan.net
Just wanted to throw in my .02 cents as a new user.

Some features, I think, are a reflection of the particular niche of the site. I came here because I was looking for a turn-based server for a variety of games, so I didn't even look for something like real-time chat.

It would be a nice feature and all but since the emphasis on this site is turn-based rather than real-time play, I don't think the current lack of the feature is a huge disadvantage either.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 19:45:10
Otsikko: Re: coan.net

You asked me to show other game sites, and gamespy is a game site, it also does reviews. You have to download their software. I agree they have a bigger team, like Yahoo. However, these things are not that hard to implement. I am not asking for professional top of the art designing. All I am asking for is a simple text based window so I can chat with users I play with.

I offered to redesign your Shogi pieces without anything in return, cause I feel we can all improve the service for free if we share our talents. Now if you want to exhibit the behavior "I will do what I want to do for everyone when I want to do it", chances are you will not get the user base you may want. It does depend on how you want to run it. There is no "I" in the word "team". I am not trying to attack or threaten in anyway, I like the site. However, if a friend asks me to play a game online, which do you think I am going to choose to play on? One that allows for what we want, or a game site that has only what you want and is restricted in scope of what my friend and I want?

Yes, in the end, it is your choice. However, I think it is in your best interest to listen to others cause they have the choice to come here or not. Right now, I would much rather play shogi in Yahoo where they have a chat window. I am trying to help you get a system set up so we can come here instead.

http://marcuswebsite.googlepages.com/yahooshogi.gif (chat with game capability)
http://marcuswebsite.googlepages.com/kurnikshogi.gif (chat with game capability)

Kurnik doesn't have the community that Yahoo has, and Yahoo doesn't have the English support. However, they do have the ability to allow users interact in chat with each other. I find this a weakness at BrainKing since I don't see it.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 19:22:12
Otsikko: Re: coan.net
jadarite: GameSpy is not a game site, it just publishes game reviews. Yahoo is probably maintained by a much bigger team than BrainKing. By the way, who told you that I want to compete with other sites? That's not my intention at all. I have my own rules and I change them only if I want to, not because someone claims that "other sites have it!".
There is no real time chat feature on BrainKing because it's not necessary to add it. When I change my mind, I will implement it. But now I don't think it would be worth the effort.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 19:16:02
Otsikko: Re: coan.net

"Please show me a game site which allows its users to do it."

If you are trying to compete with other game sites, check out http://www.gamespy.com/

I don't really do a lot of gaming. I play chess and shogi, that's about it. I go to Yahoo at times, which you might want to look at also. They have java applets for games, you have a chat window.

These all allow for linking around which would do the same as embedded coding. They have the coding already there.

Now, I ask you, show me a page on brainking where I can chat in real time with other users, show me where there are up to date graphics. These are things the embedded coding could be used for.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 10:17:53
Baked Alaskan 
Otsikko: Re: coan.net

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 10:13:25
Otsikko: Re: coan.net
jadarite: A weakness? Allowing everybody to post embedded elements of any kind and anywhere would be a real weakness. Please show me a game site which allows its users to do it.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 08:44:13
Otsikko: Re: coan.net

"Out of curiosity, I would like to know what site allows the user to all the features without paying. I belong to alot of game sites and NONE of them offer everything for free."

Wow, your reading comprehension sucks. I never said I wanted everything for free. I said I wanted to be able to do things without restrictions, which would logically come with a cost.

In regards to free, you would be surprised what you can do for free. If people come together and share their talents, this could be a much improved site, for free. We all would end up winners. However, it's a group effort. If the main players here don't want it, then obviously it will never become its potential. That's something each person will have to decide. Group together, make things work for the benefit of all, or attack, misread, and insult the newbie who points out a weakness.

What will you post in red text this time?

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 08:37:34
Baked Alaskan 
Otsikko: Re: coan.net

((I find that rather limiting. Not the end of the world, but for
everything not allowed, another site which does allow it gets our
attention and time. I'll be spending more time I guess on those which
do allow))

Just another person wanting more and more for free

Out of curiosity, I would like to know what site allows the user to all the features without paying. I belong to alot of game sites and NONE of them offer everything for free.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 08:01:22
Otsikko: Re: coan.net
jadarite: If you are here only because of using the embed tag, then you should really go to another site.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 07:33:34
Otsikko: Re: coan.net

I find that rather limiting. Not the end of the world, but for everything not allowed, another site which does allow it gets our attention and time. I'll be spending more time I guess on those which do allow.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 06:41:11
Otsikko: Re: coan.net
jadarite: On this site, Paid members are allowed to embed only from YouTube on only the Music board, along with Notepad & profile. But other then that, currently no other embed is allowed I believe.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 04:19:48
Otsikko: Re: coan.net

Are we allowed to use "<embed src=" ? I can't seem to get that working here.

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 00:05:57
Otsikko: Re: coan.net
jadarite: Look a few posts down. he already posted them all

9. Kesäkuu 2007, 00:04:32
Otsikko: coan.net
Can you post the exact address to these .css styles? I went to coan.net, but I didn't see them. I saw links to pictures and other stuff, but it would be nice to also see a BIG and easy to spot link to styles on the front page.

8. Kesäkuu 2007, 23:20:58
Otsikko: Re: Next Task
coan.net: Css is like a big bunch of IFs. "If a tag has id something render it like this" or "if a tag <xxx> has a child <yyy> render it so and so"

What you'r probably like are more selectors. Some that would let you select according to the text inside the tags... But that doesn't exist.

AbigailII's suggestion about an extra element identifying the page subject seems like the best way togo. But of course,that's work for Fencer not you

8. Kesäkuu 2007, 22:45:32
Otsikko: Re: Next Task
coan.net: I've suggested before that Fencer makes a tiny change: wrap the entire body of the page in a single <DIV> which has a class that corresponds with the game.

So you'd have:

<DIV class = 'Dice Poker'>
<DIV class = 'Froglet'>
<DIV class = 'MiniShogi'>


8. Kesäkuu 2007, 22:40:44
You cannot do if-then statements in CSS. CSS isn't a programming language - there are just declarations.

Now, if the world would have gone DSSSL (which was there, working, well-tested and with a mature spec before the masses even knew about the web), you could have. DSSSL is Turing complete.

But the webguys suffer from NIH, and ability. So we have XML and CSS instead of SGML and DSSSL.

8. Kesäkuu 2007, 22:25:54
Otsikko: Next Task
I won't answer my next question right away (since I'm about to get off the computer).

But is there a way to do if - then statements in a css?

One of the things that annoy me about some games, is that you need to know past information - or current information that is in the game notation. (Like in Ice Age Chess - the only way to see current move is to show the game notation.... which of course stays visiable in all the games - Ugh) Plus other games like Dark Chess & Frog Finder - past turn information can also be used. I'm sure there are others, but that is 3 games I know I have to keep turning on game notation just to see 1 thing.

What I would like to do is something like

If game is Battleboats, then game notation { visibility: hidden; }
and repeat for all the games.

or do the opposet for the few games that needs to show the game notation. So any ideas or suggestions? Is if/then statements possible, or is there a better way to do it?

8. Kesäkuu 2007, 22:07:39
Otsikko: Re:
FENCER: In the dice game, the table the holds the result of the dice that you just rolled (after the 3rd dice roll) - Can you give that table a name?

I can move the form/table as I roll the dice, but then after the 3rd roll, the table is down below since the named form is gone - and the table has no name for me to move.

And if anyone would like to check out my most recent changes:


The same as #2 (with move near top), but now the dice select box in near the top of the screen. It does cover some of the opponenets name & last moved information on my screen - but when I'm playing, I don't pay attention to that information much anyway.

And if Fencer does get that names, I will probable continue to play with the #3 css version.

8. Kesäkuu 2007, 21:53:57
OK, never mind - I figured it out. This works:


(now to play around some more....)

8. Kesäkuu 2007, 21:47:13
Otsikko: Dice Game - Dice on top of screen
OK, I recently got a new widescreen monitor which is nice, but is a "cheaper" one and has left up/down resolution - meaning I have to scroll down in every one of my dice game each time I make a roll - VERY annoying.

So, I'm trying to figure out how to put the dice up top with my .css file.

Here is the code: <form action="DoMove" method="post" id="rollDiceForm" name="rollDiceForm">

I tried different things like:

name[value="rollDiceForm"] { position: fixed; top: 50px; left: 190px; }
#rollDiceForm { top: 50px; left: 190px; }
.rollDiceForm { top: 50px; left: 190px; }

So is there a way to move the whole form? What am I missing? (note: The place to put it is just an example - once I can move it, I will try to find where it looks best... that is where I have the submit button. Would also like to find a way to outline the form in a box - again, things I can play around with once I figure out how to move it.)

Having the move button near the top has really allowed me to play faster when I sit down and play. Being able to have the dice near the top will speed up those game for me also.

8. Kesäkuu 2007, 03:29:48
Otsikko: Re: CCS Sheet Stats
rod03801: Well don't worry about changing too much - I'm also using the #2 version, and any changes would be small - or most likely what I would do is make a #3 and test things with that - leaving the #2 like I liked it. (Like I left #1 how I liked it before I made #2)


But if you are worried, I think you should be able to right click on the link above and choose to save it. But again, the more I think about it - most likely if I do feel like playing around, I will probable just make a #3.

For those of you that want to try that out, copy that address - and in your settings, paste it. And your BrainKing will look similar to the Old BrainKing, with an addition of the Move button near the top of every page - making a quick submit without having to scroll down... speeds thinks up a lot!

BrainRook.com - I think Fencer plans on doing something different with that website - I asked him awhile back about posting something there, but sounded like he had some plans to change it.

8. Kesäkuu 2007, 01:13:17
Otsikko: Re: CCS Sheet Stats
coan.net: Hmm. Would it be possible for you to tell me how I might be able to "copy" your CURRENT style, so that I can continue to use it? In case personally I don't like future changes? (I tend to be reluctant to accept change! LOL) Because I love your second style just as it is. (Basically just because of the MOVE button being at the top of every page.

I still say it would be nice if someone would write a little tutorial about creating our own stylesheets, on the BrainRook.com website. (I think that's the name, I actually haven't been over to that site in a while)

7. Kesäkuu 2007, 21:30:53
Otsikko: CCS Sheet Stats
Fencer, can you see how many people are using which style sheet.

For the 3 system sheets, I would think most are using the Castle theme since that is the default (and most people just don't change the default)

But what I'm mostly curious about is who is using outside style sheets - more importantly, how many people are using my style sheets that I have hosted on my coan.net site is what I'm looking for. I have no plans on deleting it or anything like that, but I may make some more changes soon and I wondered how many people I might effect with my changes.

17. Toukokuu 2007, 09:48:23
Otsikko: Re: Links in simple style
pauloaguia: Actually, style sheets do override the default settings of the browser - that's what style sheets are for.

As for a user disabling the default setting, well, certainly that user made a deliberate choice. Sounds like a compelling reason to not override it.

17. Toukokuu 2007, 08:47:58
Otsikko: Re: Links in simple style
pauloaguia: Well, the former purpose of the simple style was to create an equivalent to the main Castle style without any graphics, which is the reason why it has inherited some style attributes. But it can be changed, of course.
Or people could try to switch back to the Castle one.

17. Toukokuu 2007, 02:21:59
Otsikko: Re: Links in simple style
AbigailII: But it is. Defining it in the stylesheet, by no means overrides the default settings browsers have of underlining it or whatever. But if a user disables that default, suddenly the site doesn't show any links (I know many people who actually do this - Google, for instance looks so much cleaner without all those underlines...).

And anyway, it is already imposing. On the left menu all my links show up underlined (using browser's defaults). On the right none of them do, because the corresponding style specified text-decoration:none. Adding a a{text-decoration:underline;} rule (or color:blue; or whatever) would keep the links on the right menu still not underlined but would make sure links in the middle of a post somehwere do not go by unnoticed...

16. Toukokuu 2007, 22:13:34
Otsikko: Re: Links in simple style
pauloaguia: I don't understand. By all means, the default should be user driven (aka, the browser) instead of site driven. Browsers have highlighted links ever since there were browsers - and it's highly recommended by the HTML standards that browsers do so. Links being highlighted is one of the few things that browsers actually agree on.

There's no need to have a style sheet highlight links by default because you cannot trust the browser.

16. Toukokuu 2007, 19:59:00
Otsikko: Links in simple style
Why aren't links highlighted in some way? (Underline and/or bright blue color are common ways).
As it is now, if it wasn't for most browsers coming with a "underline links" option or "use browser's links colors" set by default, lots of people would fail to see links all over the site.

I've actually grown used to such a clean look. For instance, the menu on the left is almost crying out to be clicked so this comment doesn't really apply to it. Same with the "options" in the message box, for instance, (show thread, link, etc) since they are isolated enough.
But for links inside posts there really should be some sort of highlight other than the one forced by someone's browser (I always liked the blue color, no underline style... seems "Simple" enough ).

So I'd like to suggest that the A tag be hilghlited in some way, by default. This setting could be overriden for some classes, where it is not so needed (like the menu, for the reasons stated).

14. Huhtikuu 2007, 16:49:35
Otsikko: Re: Dice Poker - Select Checkbox when you click dice
Muokannut AbigailII (14. Huhtikuu 2007, 16:50:21)
Fencer: You are right, I don't expect you to do it. It wouldn't be hard to code though, and I would have some use for it (for instance, setting the action to "stay here" for Battleboats, Frog Finder and Logic).

I do have a request though (not a JavaScript one). Sometimes I try something out in my CSS file, and it works great on the page I intend the effect for. But another page uses the same class names and there the effect is a disaster. Would it be possible to put the entire page inside a large DIV section whose class reflects the pagetype, and ID a further specification? For instance:

<div class = 'Board' id = '136'>
... BrainKing design board ...

<div class = 'Board' id = '130'>
... Dice poker board ...

<div class = 'ShowGame' id = '26'>
... Some Backgammon race game ...

You might even want to throw in the language in a lang attribute.

14. Huhtikuu 2007, 11:15:54
Otsikko: Re: Dice Poker - Select Checkbox when you click dice
AbigailII: I hope you don't expect me to allow a JavaScript injection.

14. Huhtikuu 2007, 10:12:16
Otsikko: Re: Dice Poker - Select Checkbox when you click dice
BIG BAD WOLF: I don't think it can be done with a (CSS) style sheet. Now, if only we could inject javascript.... I think it's possible with some javascript.

14. Huhtikuu 2007, 04:09:26
Otsikko: Dice Poker - Select Checkbox when you click dice
A suggestion I have made a few times which will help speed up playing the game of Dice Poker - along with helping to make fewer mistakes while playing the game - that is the ability to click on the dice which will also check (and uncheck) the checkbox under the dice.

Well I have a feeling it probable won't be done on the system - so I'm now trying to figure out if I can make this possible using the .css file.

OK Smart css people - I NEED YOUR HELP!

Here is a same source code from the Dice Poker Game:

<form action="DoMove" method="post" id="rollDiceForm" name="rollDiceForm"><table align=center><tr valign="bottom">

<td align="center"><img>
<input type="checkbox" id="coch0" name="coch0" value="1" class="coch"></td>

<td align="center"><img>
<input type="checkbox" id="coch1" name="coch1" value="1" class="coch"></td>

<td align="center"><img>
<input type="checkbox" id="coch2" name="coch2" value="1" class="coch"></td>

<td align="center"><img>
<input type="checkbox" id="coch3" name="coch3" value="1" class="coch"></td>

<td align="center"><img>
<input type="checkbox" id="coch4" name="coch4" value="1" class="coch"></td>

<td><input type="submit" id="rd" name="rd" value="Roll selected dice" class="inputbutton">

Rolls left: 2
<input type="checkbox" id="seal" name="seal" value="1" id="seal" onClick="selectAll(false);"> Select All</td></tr></table>


Before I posted that I thought it would be possible since I seen each checkbox has it's own name - but now that I copied the above, I'm not sure if it is possible since the name of the image is the same... but I'll leave it here - maybe some smart people will be able to toss out some ideas.

13. Huhtikuu 2007, 13:02:38
Otsikko: Re: My 2 .css files
BIG BAD WOLF: I have been using yours for a couple of days now on and off. I must say its great, well done to you
I guess you still have a bit of tweaking to do, but i love the Move button at the top & it never moves if you scroll down which is well cool lol

12. Huhtikuu 2007, 14:01:45
Otsikko: Some CSS tricks.
I'm trying to use CSS to make the pages as minimal as possible. Here are some tricks I'm using:

/* Since we have a custom style sheet, we can't switch anyway */
div#style-switcher { display: none }
div#set-style-result { display: none }

/* No need to remind me that I'm cloaked */
div[class="spacer cecko"] { display: none }

/* Images in posting really mess up the formatting - get rid of them */
img[class~="post-icon"] { display: none }

/* Am a member to 2010, won't use the bonus for a while */
img[src="/images/smileys/28.gif"] { display: none }

/* I don't care who's online */
img[src="/images/online.gif"] { display: none }
div#user-games-section>div[style="float: right;"] { display: none }
div#opponent-games-section>div[style="float: right;"] { display: none }

/* There are always waiting games and tournaments anyway */
/* so why display the number? */
td.menutd a[href=WaitingGames]+span.rednumber { display: none }
td.menutd a[href=Tournaments]+span.rednumber { display: none }

/* Left hide side links I never use */
td.menutd a[href=Friends] { display: none }
td.menutd a[href=Enemies] { display: none }
td.menutd a[href="PlayerList?a=ap"] { display: none }

/* Make the left hide side column smaller */
#menu-column { background: #e0e0e0; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 6px; } /* Outcomment original line */
td.menutd { font-size: 80% }

12. Huhtikuu 2007, 04:23:31
Otsikko: Re: My 2 .css files
AbigailII: thank you.

12. Huhtikuu 2007, 00:57:48
Otsikko: Re: My 2 .css files
volant: Not necessarely. Most browsers will happely use a 'file:' URL, meaning you could store the CSS file locally. For instance: file:///home/abigail/Styles/bk.css

11. Huhtikuu 2007, 19:11:56
Otsikko: Re: My 2 .css files
BIG BAD WOLF: If I understand correctly to do this you have to have a place to host your css version. Do you know of anywhere this could be done for free just to give it a try?

11. Huhtikuu 2007, 04:21:02
Otsikko: Re: My 2 .css files
rod03801: What is really cool is I just have 4 Ludo games in a row where I did not have a move - and took me about 4 seconds total to hit submit 4 times (once for each game) without having to move the mouse - or scroll down the page and search for th submit button before hitting submit.

Having the submit button near the top is GREAT

11. Huhtikuu 2007, 03:08:12
Otsikko: Re: My 2 .css files
Muokannut coan.net (11. Huhtikuu 2007, 03:08:42)
rod03801: Oh yea... I forgot all about that "fixed" submit button.

I have done that to both of mine - so now when you scroll the page, it stays on the same part of the screen - VERY cool! (Thanks Abigaill!)


No Fonts: http://brainking.com/css/nofonts-37.css
Castle: http://brainking.com/css/castle-37.css
Simple: http://brainking.com/css/simple-37.css

11. Huhtikuu 2007, 01:48:32
Otsikko: Re: My 2 .css files
BIG BAD WOLF: Are you still going to use Abigaill's suggestion to have the move button stay "fixed" at the top, even when you do scroll? (I use yours all the time now, and love it! I will try out the 2nd one now, since I do use the left column, and would prefer the move button moved to the right some..)

10. Huhtikuu 2007, 23:56:58
Otsikko: CSS
So...I'm VERY new to this...where can I get the Style Sheet that BK uses (for castle design)? I just want to make some minor changes.

10. Huhtikuu 2007, 17:39:09
Otsikko: My 2 .css files
Some css files people can use if they want.

Here is my main one: http://coan.net/coannet.css

You will find classic colors, move button at top left of page (good if you do not have the left menu showing on game board), along with some font changes here and there to help the eyes.

Here is a new one: http://coan.net/coannet2.css

Basicely the same as the above, but the move button is moved more towards the middle of the page - so if you have the left menu column showing on the game page, it will not mess that up. (Now it will still show over the top of game messages & game notes - but it's the best I can do right now.)

8. Huhtikuu 2007, 14:11:49
Otsikko: Re: Speed up game play
BIG BAD WOLF: Yes, that would be possible.

8. Huhtikuu 2007, 14:08:15
Otsikko: Re: Speed up game play
Fencer: Ok then... since I can't talk about the reason for this request, I will just go back to the request itself.

Is it possible to have an option to have a game page with just the very minimal stuff loaded on it (like requested below)?

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