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18. Syyskuu 2006, 06:40:20
Papa Zoom 
Bloviating Blog
To bloviate is to discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner; to speak or write verbosely and windily.

Etymology: perhaps irregular from blow
To bloviate is to get on one's soapbox and lecture, talk big, sound off, objurgate, talk wildly.
A blog is where one would author an online diary or chronology of thoughts. That's what this fellowship is all about.

But inevitably discussion follow.  If you're interested in discussions on What Is Truth and other philosophical pursuits, if discussing the impossibility of the actual infinite interests you, or if you want to pontificate about your favorite pet peeve,  come join.

if there are any math wizards out there it would be interesting to get your thoughts on actual infinites.  My position is that the concept is interesting in theory, impossible as a reality.  join up!

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