I backed up all my files/folders to a web site that does that kind of thing, then installed my new hard drive... I thought I could just import the files back to their normal places... silly me! Now I have imported back to my desk top the files again and have to sort through them and put them back where I want them individually.
So far my biggest problem is importing my address book back into Thunderbird? I just cant seem to find the correct folder that contains these files?
Most of the tech support I get isnt familiar with thuinderbird, but i have had some dell techs trying without any luck!
Thunderbird doesnt offer phone support (that i know of) and I have scoured their online help, but nothing yet.
(piilota) Häviätkö pelit ajan loppumisen takia? Maksava asiakas voi määritellä loma-ajan, jonka aikana aikalaskuri ei juokse. (pauloaguia) (näytä kaikki vinkit)