Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
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Sinulla ei ole oikeutta kirjoittaa tälle alueelle. Tälle alueelle kirjoittamiseen vaadittu minimi jäsenyystaso on Brain-Sotilas.
socrates: please, it is new rating, from tournaments only from 2000. Rating is statistic method, more games, better ratings. example ACF has rating 20 Years and it is not absolutly correct for all players. (same different will be everytime). We need more games, more tournaments. Will be more accuratelly, more and more :-))
Socrates: Why? We calculate no all tournaments as national federation. You must understand, We calculate from tournaments, if we receive. Send me example cross table from Barbados championship from 2000.
in this page http://www.checkers.wz.cz/checkers_rating.html is free games database too. :-)
Socrates: I like real tournaments, no online, becouse in online (in Brainking is nord :-( )played more player with program.
Socrates: well.. I don't condone anyone cheating.. all I would be able to do is avoid playing with them.. it isn't like I can go around the table and just boink them on their head! LOL
Nomad: I don't have a problem either and will accept invites from anyone. For it is and always will be fun for me, besides whether your playing a good human player or a computer you can only learn more and aspire to a greater level.
gooner: Well said. And Old 14 has been part of published play for so long that many people move it like book but have no connection to computer programs. I don't like the openning myself.
Its a subject that rears its ugly head all to often but can never be 100% prooved. So any doubts, people should not play opponents who they think are cheating.
The proper ratings are available for viewing all though not quite finished yet of proper players who play year in and year out in tournaments face to face.
Quite some time ago I gave my opinion as to who was the very best checker player on Brainking..based on years of experience. It was then and is now none other than Ustica. Congrats on the BKR.
ustica: Well but it´s not obvious. Jump side by side it´s like for example jump to right and left and this is allowed. By this reason the official rules says : "Within a multicapture turning 180 degrees between two captures is illegal." It´s logic because in this way all captures are ortoghonals but this norm must be included into the rules or in other case it should not be applied.
Like I said its not written, in my opinion should be because once in the past was allowed...
You right its a bit confuse, and you are not the only one who missunderstood the rules. I've already asked for a more clarified english checkers rules text, but I lost with my arguements and I'm not going to start all over again.
I've helped the Portuguese translator and at least now I know that portuguese players understand better the checkers rules in Brainking.
Matarilevich: "But on BrainKing i don´t see any rule demonstrates this move is ilegal." now! this the rule here "a queen that can move (and jump) any number of spaces in four directions (left, up, right and down)."
you see! the rule never says the you can jump side by side. i hope this is your anser.
Ferjo: But on BrainKing i don´t see any rule demonstrates this move is ilegal. Now i know i can´t do it (too late because i moved thinking it´d be possible) but i think it´s legal on BrainKing because there isn´t any rule banning it.
At the end of the rules of Turkish Checkers says :
"The other rules are the same as Czech Checkers" and in Czech Checkers says : "The other rules are the same as Checkers". Reading all these rules I think this move is legal but reading other rules at internet the move is not legal.
Here in the rules of Checkers says too : "If the player has more possibilities to capture opponent's pieces, he/she can select any of them. However, when a queen (in variants with long jumps) can make a jump, the player cannot select a pawn to jump with." and this should be valid for the Turkish-BrainKing Checkers in accordance of the rules but the rules of http://www.geocities.com/karakusk/dama/rules.html say the opposite.
Are the rules unique? Are the rules wrong in BrainKing?
I would like to know which are the rules of Turkish in BrainKing because it´s difficult playing predicting the rules.
No is no evidence about it on the english written rules, and until the big modificance in Czeck Checkers rules that particular move was legal. But what can i say to you, is that move its now illegal on BK. Which I think its more accordingly to the turkish variant.
Well, english is not my tongue so i always prefer to be kind and giving a second oportunity for a explanation. It´s not my problem if someone want to be coward. I don´t know if he wanted to be sarcastic or ironic, it´s not the same but i prefer to think he is intelligent and he was being ironic.
My question is : In accordance of the written rules of checkers in BrainKing is this move ilegal? Can it be demonstrated? Thank you Ferjo.
First just two comments, to the question itself. Why searching for a reply its received with sarcasm? Why we can't have doubts about the game rules? Second comment, maybe its more apropriate put your question on the Checkers 8x8 Forum instead of this one...
Ok my reply, I think not having 100% sure, (which I would like a normal answer too!) that move its illegal here in BK, and in the "regular" turkish game also (thought theres a lot of official turkish variations, with different rules).
The turkish variation implemented here its not the same as the "regular" Turkish game, but I think its been on the todo list the implementation of the right rules. If not I apologised for my mistake.
ustica: What does it mean "progr.."? I don´t understand you. It seems it´s an ilegal move but the rules doesn´t explain anything about this. Moreover, i think the rules are incorrect because in turkish checkers a player can not choose between two captures except when he captures the same number of pieces. Is it implemented?
I am a beginner in checkers and i would like to propose two questions for learning a bit about checkers:
In this game of turkish checkers
the double capture 61...Qb3-h3 is an ilegal move?
I have read the rules of Turkish Checkers, Czech Checkers and Checkers and i am not sure about the reason of this move could not be legal.
(2)In the rules of Czech Checkers is written a player can choose between two possible captures but in Turkish Checkers is in this way too or maybe the player must make the capture of the biggest number of enemy pieces. Thank you.
(piilota) Haluatko nopean pelin, joka päättyy varmasti kahdessa tunnissa? Luo haluamasi pelityypin peli ja aseta peliajaksi 0 päivää / 1 tunti. (TeamBundy) (näytä kaikki vinkit)