Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
as you all know and have been looking forward to with such anticipation: The Dutch Championship has just kicked off! And what's more: the games can be followed live: http://www.livedraughts.com/NK2008/LiveGames1x4_1x3.htm a service provided by http://www.livedraughts.com/ (a good one to bookmark:) for reviews of past rounds see: http://www.dcdordrecht.nl./ and click on "Animatie en analyse" then "Kampioenschap van Nederland" and on 1-13 to go to the desired round... (of course comments there will be in Dutch, but the notation is universal :)
Tiny note: the electronic boards do sometimes have difficulty "seeing" the pieces on the board, a bug which may confuse but is usually resolved one move later. Enjoy!
(piilota) Jos etsit tietyn tasoista vastustajaa, voit peliä luodessasi määrittää haluamasi BKR -rajat. Tällöin kukaan valittujen rajojen ulkopuolella oleva ei näe tai voi hyväksyä tarjousta. (Katechka) (näytä kaikki vinkit)