Beren the 32nd: your post on 29 April 2006,23:49:19 >Can anyone share their experience on this question? If I win a chariot for a horse or cannon early on in the game, should this normally be enough to win the game(if I play well) or does my opponent often have chances to draw(if he plays well)?
for the first question, the answer is, yes. if you play well you could win. as other player also said so, I do not want to add more. the second question, the answer also is, yes. but no one said anything about this. you won material in exchange, you trade your knight or cannon for your opponent's rook. a rook's value is equal to 2 minor pieces,(knight+ cannon or 2 knights or 2 connons), some even said a rook is more than that. lets talk about the "one rook" ending, every one knows a rook vs a complete defendants( 2 elephants + 2 goards) is a draw, if you trade every thing and only with one rook vs a knight or a connon, then it is more than enough to draw. how about the followings: 1)one rook+ a pawn vs a knight or cannon? 2)one rook vs a knight + 2 elephants or 2 guards? 3)one rook vs a cannon + 2 elephants and two guards? 4)one rook vs a knight+ a elephant + a defendant?
(piilota) Haluatko nopean pelin, joka päättyy varmasti kahdessa tunnissa? Luo haluamasi pelityypin peli ja aseta peliajaksi 0 päivää / 1 tunti. (TeamBundy) (näytä kaikki vinkit)