this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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It's fascinating stuff, and not too surprising when you consider their abilities to detect some chemicals in parts per millions quantities. Early results suggest their detecting abilities not only for melanomas (skin), but also for bladder cancers (urine), and possibly lung cancers (breath).
wetware: I believe they have known for years about dogs capabilities. I recall reading a Stephen King novel in the early 80s (Talisman) A dog character could smell death on an old man in the story (the guy was riddled with cancer) Unreal how intelligent not only dogs but dolphins and other animals are when you think about it!
Rose: and to think of the animals that are kept in cages their entire sick and how unbelieveably sad!! Everything that they are capible of doing and their they sit,having expieriments ran on them,or living in puppy mills,just sick.
anastasia: Absolutely! I've read articles and seen images that just make me ill. How can humans be so cruel I wonder? I guess Im just glad every one isnt like that and there are groups that are trying to stop animals abuse all over the world! We can all do our part by supporting these groups, support the organizations that want to stop cruelty to animals.
Rose: So very true!! If everyone would take the time to do SOMETHING...even if it seems small to you,it could make a world of difference for some sign a petition...have some old towels that you were going to throw away? Donate them to a shelter.At a garage sale and see some dog toys or brushes? Buy them and donate them.Little things do add up!!
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