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Rose: That is not a link to a game, but a message I can not read.
But for the game - I believe each player gets the same amount of tries - so even if you go first, and on move 5 you solve it, player 2 also gets a move #5 to try to solve it also.
As a side note, I've notice that player 2 will not even see your move until AFTER they move, so they will not even know that you won until after that move.
The game is finished when one or both codes are solved. Since the results of moves are determined at the same time, it is possible that both players solve the opponent's code at the same turn. In this case, the game is a draw. Otherwise, if one player solves the code, he wins the game.
Since this takes away the advantage of the player going first, I'm glad this rule is there.
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