Discuss the development of our Android application.
Find it on Google Play here: BrainKing for Android Warning! The application is far from being finished, so please do not rate it yet. It is published for testing purposes at the moment.
Try it out and get 50 free Brains. :-) Find details here (bottom).
Currently supported games: Chess and "normal" variants (without start position editing, behemoths etc.), Checkers and variants (although white starts all games, it's just a visual issue), Backgammon and variants (except Fevga and I am not quite sure about Plakoto), Froglet and variants, Breakthrough, Lines of Action and variants, Line4 and variants, Halma, Knight Fight, Tablut, Five in Line, Ludo, Run around the Pond. Please note that opening an unsupported game will show a blank page (yes, I will improve it soon). If it happens, just click the back button to get the game list.
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tricialou: You are welcome. I am aware of several backgammon bugs that will be fixed when I get back to work (doing some improvements to BrainCalc now). If no unexpected problems occur, the app should support all 128 game types by the end of this year.
(Cacher) Si vous attendez que ce soit à vous de jouer, cliquez sur "changer" à côté du "rafraîchissement" sur la page principale, puis réglez le rafraîchissement de la page sur 30 secondes pour que votre tour de jouer apparaisse pplus vite. (Servant) (Montrer toutes les astuces)