I just think if the move is blocked, it would defeat the purpose.
I mean if I rool a 3 & 4, then I could (BEFORE SUBMITING) test many different moves / multiply moves with all my pieces to basicly determin where 2 or more of your pices are located - and in my opinion kind of defeat the purpose of the dark part of the game.
Where as if it allows you to move there, THEN if there is 2 more more pieces YOUR piece ends up in the bar - you will then only know of 1 place (insteald of multiply) where 2 or more of your pieces are located... and come with a "cost" since my piece would be put back to the bar.
Without that - I don't think it would be very "dark" nor very different then normal backgammon.
(Cacher) Si vous cliquez sur le pseudo d'une personne puis sur Parties finies, vous aurez la liste des parties qui ont été terminées, puis cliquez sur le nom du jeu pour avoir un résumé de toutes ces parties, et cliquez encore sur le nom de jeu et vous aurez une partie que vous pourrez voir et analyser. (Servant) (Montrer toutes les astuces)