mangue: If you have an opportunity to continue jumping, you must do so....
However, you don't have to make a maximum jump in Czech checkers like in some other variants of checkers (International, Turkish, Portuguese ...). In particular, if you have more possibilities to jump, then 1) must capture with your queen (even a single jump, no matter that you can make a multi-jump with your pawn) 2) if you have more queens to perform a jump, you can choose any you like (no matter how many jumps you can do with this particular queen compared to other queens) 3) if you choose a queen to jump with and jump over an opponent's piece, you can land anywhere you want only if there is no possibilty to continue with another jump (otherwise, like in the game you asked about, you must continue jumping; if there are more landing squares from which you can jump again, you can choose any of them arbitrarily, no matter how many jumps you will finally do in your move...)
I hope that it is understandable. If not, don't hesitate to ask again ;-)
(Cacher) Si vous cliquez sur le pseudo d'une personne puis sur Parties finies, vous aurez la liste des parties qui ont été terminées, puis cliquez sur le nom du jeu pour avoir un résumé de toutes ces parties, et cliquez encore sur le nom de jeu et vous aurez une partie que vous pourrez voir et analyser. (Servant) (Montrer toutes les astuces)