this afternoon I logged onto AOL, to find a notice saying there is an update available for broadband drivers, it only takes a couple of minutes to download and it should improve connection.
I downloaded it - it jammed up, then started throwing error messages at me about files not found and incomplete driver installations. I ended up looking at a black screen, with tiny white dots all over it.
So, I tried to remove that driver and install the original one, but it wouldn't let me. I rang AOL technical support after an hour or so of shouting at the screen, and they talked me through a long process to re-install the original drivers.
They said there has been a LOT of problems with these downloads, and they guy I spoke to had spent the entire day just on these calls. He hadn't taken a call about any other problem!
So if you're on AOL, think twice before downloading their 'new and improved' driver! It took me nearly 4 hours to get rid of it and install the original again!
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