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I have been trying to work out how to create a guestbook on the web space provided by my isp. I have a website already created but I cant seem to work out how to get my text box stuff to get posted to a nother viewable page (hence posting a message to a guestbook) I can however set the page up with input feilds , email address , name etc and add a reset and submit button, I just cannot get the submission to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
the easiest way to do it is to go to somewhere like bravenet and copy paste the code onto you web can set it up to suit your self of course with your own backgrounds etc etc.
go see is one of the freebies :)
(Cacher) Vous pouvez envoyer un message à vos amis avec juste un clic en les ajoutant à votre liste d'amis puis en cliquant sur la petite enveloppe à côté de leur pseudo. (pauloaguia) (Montrer toutes les astuces)