Hey just to let you all know, if you look at the discussion, I got the idea from Walter Montego himself! In his previous post, right before mine, he asks if anyone would like to bet 1 or 2. So on a whim, and since I play for fun and do not get caught up in ratings, I decided to take him up on it! He asked for it, so I did it. I further thought that because, even if I did decide to bet just 1, it would defeat the purpose of me doing so if I didn't tell anyone, so I went ahead and posted to everyone that I would... I though it made for an interesting experiment of sorts, because so much psychology can come into place there. So in any case I think only Pedro and Bry took the chance...
But I do want to point out that it was not collusion or cheating. Just plain fun and mind games... which I don't see anything wrong with in this game... just adds to the fun, as long as people are not colluding and cheating...
I don't aee anything wrong with someone stating what they might be betting next... s/he could just be bluffing... or doing it for real.. the thing is there is no real incentive for people to just lose on purpose, and I don't plan on making this a habit, but thought it would be an interesting outcome... which it was.
But I could have also stated that I was going to bet 3000 points and then decided not to do that either... I think that would actually make for a more interesting game... kind of like poker a little as someone else said...
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