perhaps you didnt read what i wrote. "i said that it would take way too much time. Days to study without sleep. or should i just keep repeating myself." That system is nto worth it here since it would be so time consuming. 1 pond would require days of study. it would take me days psosibly weeks just to study vikings and your ponds history. It would be much easier to jtu play it as is. And you cant count i have won 10 ponds. Its not the amount of ponds you win its teh % you win, anyone can just enter 1000s of ponds and if i win 3% of them, i got 30 wins.. big deal. AS for sabotage...yes i knew where they were goign to put all there pieces. I studied tons of games. As for this not being sabotage well its not any other game other than ponds so i guess that means we cant use chess or poker as examples. Not trying to be confrontational but trying to show you that with good study habits and note takeing you can enhance your game. My stats in the ponds mean very little to me. i focus 90% on espionage.
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