A site for learning Xiangqi. It contains descriptions and many interactive examples of tactics. These consist of a java applet showing a board and a move list. You can move back and forth amongst the moves and follow the changes on the board.
[mentioned by kleineme, below, as "Probably the best tutorial on the net"]
Games, games, games (including those of the 2005 World Championship in Paris - the first one held outside of Asia):
A list of 430 games - interactive like the tutorial mentioned above.
Another tutorial site which also has a good selection of Master games and Puzzles.
Four downloadable Xiangqi books translated into English.
An interview with Professor David H. Li.
Comparison between Western Chess and Xiangqi: Part I and Part II.
Xiangqi in the Wikipedias: English and German.
How to pronounce Xiangqi: Enter 'Chinese chess' and then click on the xiang and qi hyperlinks.
Or go directly: xiàng and qí.
A brief description of Xiangqi at ChessVariants.org. The page contains a list of further links.
The exact Asia Xiangqi Rules in the form of a 449KB .zip file containing web pages and images.
Software: Chinese Chess Learner V4.3. A 30-day evaluation copy limited to 30 moves. $35 (Sep 2005).
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