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Ovaděč: Bobes 
 Dice Poker

Dice poker and its variants

Dice poker
- single game - max. 340 points - Dice Poker (BOROWITZ vs. Labbeda) - 306 (BOROWITZ)
- combined game - max. 680 points - Dice Poker (Holyman vs. A663) - 577 - (A663, Holyman)

Triple dice poker
- single game - max. 2 145 points - Triple Dice Poker (Mick53 vs. overlander) - 1 855 (overlander)
- combined game - max. 4 290 points - Triple Dice Poker (crayzeejim vs. Bobes) - 3 554 (Bobes, crayzeejim)

Dice poker 6D
- single game - max. 529 points - Dice Poker 6D (G-444 vs. Scooter) - 466 (Scooter)
- combined game - max. 1058 points - Dice Poker 6D (GregW vs. Scooter) - 893 (GregW, Scooter)

Triple dice poker 6D
- single game - max. 3 324 points - Triple Dice Poker 6D (overlander vs. GregW) - 2 770 (GregW)
- combined game - max. 6 648 points - Triple Dice Poker 6D (overlander vs, ksenofont) - 5 385 (ksenofont, overlander)

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Mód: Každé može datlovat
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31. března 2007, 22:31:38
joshi tm 
O čem je toďten plk: Re: Triple Dice Poker variant?
BIG BAD WOLF: Yes! Bankroll Dice Poker will extend the game's strategy even further. Also how about another DP variant that adds the bonus rule to the simple (13 turn) chart? The game's strategy will change also cause 35 points is pretty much in normal DP and you can't just put a bad result on the threes anymore, e.g.

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