MTC: I believe you were confused by the following line of the rules of Russian Checkers: “Unlike International Checkers, it is not mandatory to make the longest possible jump.” This line refers to a situation when a player has two or more options to jump, of which at least one is a multiple-piece jump. In International Checkers, it is mandatory to choose the jump which leads to the maximum possible amount of captures. In Russian Checkers, it is possible to choose the jump with the fewest amount of captures, however a player cannot choose NOT to jump, as it happened in the game I posted. The point is, that the definition of what is a jump and what is not, is the same as in International Checkers.
(do skréše) Ťokni na špilošovo méno a pak na oddil Okončeny špile, pak na méno špila a nakonec na orčité špil, nad kerym tak možeš přeméšlet do aleluja. (Servant) (okázat šecke vechetávke)