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Ovaděč:  MadMonkey 

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Team Tournaments

Dec 2024 - Dark Battleboats 7 - Starts 6th Dec

Véčet klobu na mloveni
Mód: Každé može datlovat
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7. unora 2004, 19:13:34
O čem je toďten plk: Re: time limits
If I set a tourny at 1 day, not many will join because of if there are problems. So I set a little longer so as to allow for this and get more to join.
A speed limit of 50mph does not mean you have to go at 50 mph, it means anywhere from 0 - 50 mph, I think the problem we are getting at is the players who constantly go at 49.8 mph just because they can. you can watch them on here doing it no matter what anyone says about they are aloud to.
I agree they can if they want, but I dont mind it on the odd ocasions, but not every move. Most of us move sensibly, but these players ruin it for us. I often end up with the first god knows how many "other player move" games all as a few players. When players say its because too many games on their list ( i understand the crash caused probs), I have said before if you cant moved all your "your move" games once in one day ( added 1 hr later so I am not misunderstood a day when they are online, not every day), then you have more than you can handle and should cut down. You have no one to blame except yourself, So dont hold everyone else up.
Lecture over LOL

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