heavenrose: I'm not mad at you. Just don't like drama. When you sent me a fellowship invite from my good friends fellowship (Purples World )who died two years ago I did kind of freak out. I never even said anything to you but I'm sure many has ask you to sort of back off. Stop with all the messages, etc. Some of us are here to play games not chat. Just because I don't talk to you or reply to you or play games with you is not personal.
(do skréše) Chce se tě zrovna valet rechlé špil, keré zaročeně skonči v pruběho dvó hodin? Vetvoř nabidko ke špilo a zadé tam Čas na špil: 0 dni 1 hodina, Extrovnica: 0 dni 0 hodin, Limit: 0 dni 1 hodina. (TeamBundy) (okázat šecke vechetávke)