Přetvořeny oževatelem Hrqls (17. ledna 2005, 07:21:16)
Rex Nihilo: could be .. i dont know 'trouble' :)
'mens erger je niet' is translated into english as 'hey dont stress' .. or something like that :)
its a game children play a lot, and which is cheated a lot in when grown ups play it together ;)
its mainly backgammon for 4 players (6 can be done as well on a variant), all 4 players moves in the same direction (clockwise i think), they all have 4 pieces which start on their bar, and have to make it to the end (their home). they can only move from their bar when they throw a 6
in 'mens erger je niet' only 1 die is used, and it isnt allowed to have more than 1 piece on a space (so no way to defend yourself other than to make it home as soon as possible, and to stay out of reach ;))
but this could be changed to create some sort of multi player backgammon :)
(do skréše) Jak potřeboješ večmochat staré vzkaz od orčityho špiloša, bóchni na plke o něm a na prvnim řádko za přehlašovacim ménem nandeš možnost okázat jeho zpráve. (konec) (okázat šecke vechetávke)