the two dice rule makes the opponent more calculatable,
taking some smartness out of the game thus ...
fiddling in the house after the phase of removing stones started,
violates the spirit of backgammon ( you want out, so the farestmost
pieces have to be go forth if you can't remove a stone ... )
else only cowardliness and boredom take advantage ...
so far the rules that we use for tournaments and my arguments.
regarding chess software ... extensive misuse at iyt is exactly
the reason why I started to play rather the variants preferably ...
(do skréše) Ťokni na špilošovo méno a pak na oddil Okončeny špile, pak na méno špila a nakonec na orčité špil, nad kerym tak možeš přeméšlet do aleluja. (Servant) (okázat šecke vechetávke)