LJ - I would agree that turn-based cubing is pointless (That is if you are looking for quick games) Some people don't mind longer games, and an idea is to put a "warning" on cubed games (once they come here) that games could take longer then normal... or something like that.
Actually a good place to play quicker backgammon "cubed" tournament is www.dailygammon.com - which is turn based, but was a cool unique "computer guessing" which will allow you to make mulitple moves in one turn.
(do skréše) Dež čekáš, až bodeš v něčem na taho, možeš bóchnót na "vechetat" o řádko "oževet" na dóležitym léstko, potem našteloj toďto hodnoto třeba na 30 sekond, abe se tě stav tvéch špilu oževoval rechléc. (Servant) (okázat šecke vechetávke)