Czuch Czuckers: I would have moved the 2 from the 7 row, and 2 from the 6 row - not really good moves to make, but at least you would not open yourself up to getting another pieces taken.
BIG BAD WOLF: Yeah, that was the obvious move, but then he would have been stuck on the bar and I would have been forced to lose my blocking power.... I am hoping to make him open his blocks up, and that will not happen with him on the bar! But you are probably right in what i should have played!
Czuch Czuckers: yea, no move is that good of a choice - my move is more of a 'safe' move - that is try to let the other person go, get my chips in the best position until my other man is set free.
Your move is more risky - but might be needed since it is the last point of the match - some lucky rolls may turn out really good for you, yet, some bad rolls could leave you even further behind.
Will be interesting if someone has a computer program to anylize that position and give what the best move is according to the computer.
Přetvořeny oževatelem jryden (24. ledna 2007, 19:34:27)
Czuch Czuckers: Here is what Jellyfish does:
Interesting results...
Jellyfish makes the same move but loses anyway...on the other side, jellyfish plays out the game.
If I set up the game with jellyfish making the alternate move (hitting two blots) the jellyfish opponent immediately doubles, clearly confident of the win. (Note that when jellyfish plays your side after the double blot hit, it rejects the double offer)
Seems you have made correct move, but you a likely to lose anyway. Good luck!
BIG BAD WOLF: In this position 7/2(2) 6/1(2) is probably best overall, however in your case the match was down to the last frame, so gammons don't count. Therefore I believe your move was better for the reasons you state.