alanback: There are no TTTs here. A player who resigns matches or times out can change the whole outcome ... - is how it works in the Triple Gammon tournaments. The TTT rules that I described are how that problem is dealt with in a TTT.
AlliumCepa: Well, not really, as a person wishing to resign could simply allow his match to time out. The current situation actually involves timeouts (presumably unintentional) and not resignations. See the link below (player #10)
(do skréše) Vlitni do špilo v to rano! Při vepoštěni taho si aj se sópeřem namontojte "táhnót a pobét toť" a furt dokola oževojte léstek bóchánim do klávese F5! (TeamBundy) (okázat šecke vechetávke)