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funny you should ask, ughaibu - i've been thinking about Her (and Her illustrious stepsister and their respective and collective bands) a fair bit lately with an eye toward posting something about them in the Music Trivia and Knowledge fellowship...but haven't figured out what to say, so i haven't said anything. :)
on Her message boards on, Tanya talks about going through "a spell of bad spirits and temporary loss of mojo" of which apparently a recent week in VT (playing, i suppose) relieved Her. so i'm really not sure, but it sounds like She's back in the saddle again...though She made no reference to specific future plans in the (one) post i read so far...
(do skréše) Veoži Zapesovač pro ozkóšeni vzhledo popiso s HTML tagama v plkách o sobě, dřiv než je pospřehébáš. (Jenom cálojici členi) (rednaz23) (okázat šecke vechetávke)