Přehlašovaci méno: Kózelny sluvko:
Zapsáni novyho oževatela
Ovaděč: Purple , ScarletRose 

A place to share jokes, funny stories, and to just laugh in general :-)

Please remember this board can be (and is) accessed by children.
All jokes should be family friendly.
No profanity
No jokes of a sexual nature

KEEP IT PG rated


Véčet klobu na mloveni
Mód: Každé može datlovat
Večmochat v plkách:  

13. záři 2003, 19:01:38
Rogue Lion 
O čem je toďten plk: One Wish Only
A man was walking along the beach one day when he stumbled across a lantern. He rubbed the lantern and a Genie came out. The Genie said to the man "I'm in a very bad mood and tired of granting wishes. I'm only going to allow you one wish, so what is it?" The man thought for a moment and said to the Genie "I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, but am afraid to fly. I want you to build a bridge so that I can drive there". The Genie grew angry and said to the man "Are you insane? Do you know how much steel and concrete that would take? That's impossible, wish for something else." The man thought some more then said, "O.K., I want to understand women's feelings and emotions." The Genie quickly replied, "Would you like that highway two lanes or four lanes." sorry Ladies...

Datom a hodine
Kamoši, co só toť
Oblébeny klobe na mloveni
Vechetávka dňa
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