Come and wish your friends (or a stranger) HAPPY BIRTHDAY We have numerous birthdays for you to choose from each month. We never have enough though so don't forget to add your Birthday, Anniversary or other day special to you.
I Really 2 want send a Shout-out HB! 2 one of my bestest childhood friend Wendy a very Awesome & Safe birthday!!!
She always knew how to treat a good friend well & respecfully.
(do skréše) Dež čekáš, až bodeš v něčem na taho, možeš bóchnót na "vechetat" o řádko "oževet" na dóležitym léstko, potem našteloj toďto hodnoto třeba na 30 sekond, abe se tě stav tvéch špilu oževoval rechléc. (Servant) (okázat šecke vechetávke)