sLaMdAnCe: Sorry to read that you have cancer slam. I fought that battle last year. Damn near killed me but I did everything I could to beat it and finally won, so far so good!
Green tea has many healing properties! Keep it up! Reducing stress is also vital to kicking its bootie! Peace Love and Light sLaM. May you be showered in it!
(do skréše) Chce se tě zrovna valet rechlé špil, keré zaročeně skonči v pruběho dvó hodin? Vetvoř nabidko ke špilo a zadé tam Čas na špil: 0 dni 1 hodina, Extrovnica: 0 dni 0 hodin, Limit: 0 dni 1 hodina. (TeamBundy) (okázat šecke vechetávke)