General talk about movies, TV, radio, and other entertainment discussion.
Discussing favorite movies is a great topic but keep in mind some folks haven't seen the movie yet we may be discussing so don't give the endings away!
harley: Ya I wasnt impressed when I saw it at home. My 15yr old went to the theatre to see it. Had I known what was in it he never would have seen it. I was embarrassed watching the 'sex' scene. My husband said it was the directors cut and that part wasnt in the theatre version. Still not impressed. It should have been xrated.
(do skréše) Dež čekáš, až bodeš v něčem na taho, možeš bóchnót na "vechetat" o řádko "oževet" na dóležitym léstko, potem našteloj toďto hodnoto třeba na 30 sekond, abe se tě stav tvéch špilu oževoval rechléc. (Servant) (okázat šecke vechetávke)